
如何更新 YUM 儲存庫?

  • July 1, 2021


我正在嘗試連接到以下儲存庫,以便更新我的 YUM 軟體包: http ://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/SRPMS/

老實說,我不知道如何從 SSH 做到這一點 - 任何指導都非常感謝。

說明列於:http ://www.webtatic.com/projects/yum-repository/

rpm -ivh http://repo.webtatic.com/yum/centos/5/`uname -i`/webtatic-release-5-0.noarch.rpm

yum clean 元數據

取自“man yum” ?clean


  yum clean expire-cache
         Eliminate  the local data saying when the metadata and mirrorlists were downloaded for each repo. This means yum will revalidate the cache for each repo. next time it is used. However if the cache is still valid, nothing significant was deleted.

  yum clean packages
         Eliminate any cached packages from the system.  Note that packages are not automatically deleted after they are downloaded.

  yum clean headers
         Eliminate all of the header files, which old versions of yum used for dependency resolution.

  yum clean metadata
         Eliminate all of the files which yum uses to determine the remote availability of packages. Using this option will force yum to download all the metadata the next time it is run.

  yum clean dbcache
         Eliminate the sqlite cache used for faster access to metadata.  Using this option will force yum to download the sqlite metadata the next time it is run, or recreate the sqlite  metadata  if using an older repo.

  yum clean rpmdb
         Eliminate any cached data from the local rpmdb.

  yum clean plugins
         Tell any enabled plugins to eliminate their cached data.

  yum clean all
         Does  all  of  the  above.  As a convenience, if this command does not result in a completely empty cache due to the restrictions outlined at the beginning of this section, a message will be printed, saying how much disk space can be reclaimed by cleaning the remaining repos manually.  For this purpose, a repo is considered clean when its disk usage doesn't exceed 64KB (that  is to account for directory entries and tiny metadata files such as "productid" that are never cleaned).
