
錯誤:包:libmemcached-opt-libs 要求:libevent2

  • January 12, 2019

當我嘗試執行 yum update 時,它說 libmemcached-opt-libs 需要 libevent2,但我找不到如何安裝 libevent2。當我嘗試 yum install libevent2 時,我收到 No package libevent2 available 消息。

有人對 libmemcache 更新有類似的問題嗎?

[root@XXXX ec2-user]# yum update
Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper
1404 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package php72-php-pecl-memcached.x86_64 0:3.0.4-1.el6.remi will be updated
---> Package php72-php-pecl-memcached.x86_64 0:3.1.3-1.el6.remi will be an update
--> Processing Dependency: libmemcached-opt-libs(x86-64) for package: php72-php-pecl-memcached-3.1.3-1.el6.remi.x86_64
---> Package php72-php-pecl-msgpack.x86_64 0:2.0.2-4.el6.remi will be updated
---> Package php72-php-pecl-msgpack.x86_64 0:2.0.3-1.el6.remi will be an update
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libmemcached-opt-libs.x86_64 0:1.0.18-1.el6.remi will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libevent2(x86-64) for package: libmemcached-opt-libs-1.0.18-1.el6.remi.x86_64
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Error: Package: libmemcached-opt-libs-1.0.18-1.el6.remi.x86_64 (remi)
          Requires: libevent2(x86-64)
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

此問題在 CentOS 6 上不存在,僅在Amzn更改發行版上存在,該發行版提供 libevent 版本 2 而不是 libevent 版本 1 + libevent2 版本 2

新版本的 libmemcached-opt-libs(版本 1.0.18-2)改進了依賴關係處理,並修復了這個問題。
