
如何調試 Citrix XenServer 上的間歇性網路中斷

  • March 5, 2014

我在一個池中有兩個 Citrix XenServer。兩者都有一個用於管理的 NIC、一個用於 SAN 的 NIC 和一個用於 VM 連接到網路的 NIC。虛擬機 (eth3) 的 NIC 為具有不同 VLAN ID 的虛擬機配置了多個網路。

這已經執行了 2 年。最近,我開始收到我正在監控的各種虛擬機的 ping 資訊。

發生這種情況後,我立即檢查了虛擬機,但看不到任何工作。例如,其中一個虛擬機正在執行 Windows 2008,而我有一個 RDP 會話。我收到了警報並在我的 RDP 會話中添加了 alt-tab,這很好。

有一次,中斷持續了幾分鐘。但是在過去的 3 週內,其他所有 5-6 次,停電都非常快,我在停電時無法檢查任何東西。

我確實從其中一些 VM 上執行的軟體收到了網路中斷的消息——即在 VM1 上執行的軟體無法連接到 VM2 上的數據庫。

我查看了 Windows 中的 VM1 網路適配器,它報告已經執行了 500 多天。所以它沒有得到“連結斷開”事件。

我檢查了 XenServer 連接到的交換機,但那裡什麼也沒看到。

我已經安裝了 DVS 控制器(但我可能在這方面做了一些錯誤的設置 - 但這種情況已經有 2 年了,所以……)今天我注意到在我收到警報之前出現了這條消息:



“server1”現在使用帶有介面“mac-address”的 IP。“server1”將介面“mac-address”添加到伺服器“xen1”上的網路“Vlan640”

它為 xen1 上的每個 VM 重複這 2 個條目。

在 XenServer 主機上,在 /var/log/messages 中,我找到了以下幾行(還有更多,但這似乎是相關的):

Feb 11 19:37:49 vm2 xapi: [ warn|vm2|45688150 unix-RPC|SR.set_virtual_allocation D:cc84effe10bb|redo_log] Could not write database to redo log: unexpected exception Sys_error("Broken pipe")
Feb 11 19:37:49 vm2 fe: 20727 (/opt/xensource/libexec/block_device_io -device /dev/VG_XenStorage-2f64491e-f3...) exitted with signal -7
Feb 11 19:38:33 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Opened block device.
Feb 11 19:38:33 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Accepted connection on data socket
Feb 11 19:38:34 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Closing connection on data socket
Feb 11 19:39:20 vm2 xapi: [ warn|vm2|45688239 unix-RPC|SR.set_physical_size D:b6a4bc10ab7d|redo_log] Could not write delta to redo log: Timeout.
Feb 11 19:39:21 vm2 fe: 20845 (/opt/xensource/libexec/block_device_io -device /dev/VG_XenStorage-2f64491e-f3...) exitted with signal -7
Feb 11 19:39:53 vm2 xapi: [ warn|vm2|45688261 unix-RPC|SR.set_virtual_allocation D:499087254aa2|redo_log] Timed out waiting to connect
Feb 11 19:39:53 vm2 fe: 20972 (/opt/xensource/libexec/block_device_io -device /dev/VG_XenStorage-2f64491e-f3...) exitted with signal -7
Feb 11 19:40:12 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283737|reconnect|ERR|ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:12 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283738|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection dropped
Feb 11 19:40:13 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283739|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:14 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283740|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt timed out
Feb 11 19:40:14 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283741|reconnect|INFO|ssl: waiting 2 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:15 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096433|rconn|ERR|xenbr0<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:15 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096434|rconn|ERR|xenbr1<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:16 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283742|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:16 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096441|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:16 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096442|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:16 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096443|rconn|ERR|xenbr2<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:16 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096444|rconn|ERR|xenbr3<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:17 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096448|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:17 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096449|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:17 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096450|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:17 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096451|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283746|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096455|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096456|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096459|ofp_util|INFO|Dropped 3 log messages in last 46234 seconds due to excessive rate
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096460|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096461|ofp_util|INFO| pre: wildcards=0xffffffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:90:06:82:03  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=0x30  nw_proto= 0x7  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096462|ofp_util|INFO|post: wildcards= 0x23fffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=   0  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096463|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096464|ofp_util|INFO| pre: wildcards=0xffffffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:ff:ff:ff:ff  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:43:6f  dl_vlan=28262  dl_vlan_pcp=105  dl_type=0x5f73  nw_tos=0x77  nw_proto=0x69  nw_src=0x685f6d67  nw_dst=0x725f6a6f  tp_src=26990  tp_dst=24421
Feb 11 19:40:18 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096465|ofp_util|INFO|post: wildcards= 0x23fffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=28262  dl_vlan_pcp=105  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=   0  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:21 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096473|fail_open|WARN|Could not connect to controller (or switch failed controller's post-connection admission control policy) for 15 seconds, failing open
Feb 11 19:40:21 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096474|fail_open|WARN|Could not connect to controller (or switch failed controller's post-connection admission control policy) for 15 seconds, failing open
Feb 11 19:40:23 vm2 xapi: [ warn|vm2|45688290 unix-RPC|SR.set_virtual_allocation D:cf744931c44f|redo_log] Timed out waiting to connect
Feb 11 19:40:27 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096508|rconn|ERR|xenbr0<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:27 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096509|rconn|ERR|xenbr1<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:27 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096510|rconn|ERR|xenbr2<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:27 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096511|rconn|ERR|xenbr3<->ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096512|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096513|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096514|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096515|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283747|reconnect|ERR|ssl: no response to inactivity probe after 5.03 seconds, disconnecting
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283748|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection dropped
Feb 11 19:40:28 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283749|reconnect|INFO|ssl: waiting 4 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096516|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096517|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: waiting 2 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096518|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096519|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: waiting 2 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096520|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096521|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: waiting 2 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096522|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:29 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096523|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: waiting 2 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:31 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096528|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:31 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096529|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:31 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096530|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:31 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096531|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:32 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096532|fail_open|WARN|Could not connect to controller (or switch failed controller's post-connection admission control policy) for 15 seconds, failing open
Feb 11 19:40:32 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096533|fail_open|WARN|Could not connect to controller (or switch failed controller's post-connection admission control policy) for 15 seconds, failing open
Feb 11 19:40:32 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283750|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:32 vm2 kernel:  connection1:0: detected conn error (1020)
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection 1:0 error (1020) state (3)
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 kernel:  connection3:0: detected conn error (1020)
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096534|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096535|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: waiting 4 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096536|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096537|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: waiting 4 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096538|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096539|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: waiting 4 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096540|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connection timed out
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096541|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: waiting 4 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 multipathd: sdd: readsector0 checker reports path is down
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 multipathd: checker failed path 8:48 in map 20000000000000000000b5600c5684e10
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 multipathd: Path event for 20000000000000000000b5600c5684e10, calling mpathcount
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 kernel: device-mapper: multipath: Failing path 8:48.
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 fe: 21073 (/opt/xensource/libexec/block_device_io -device /dev/VG_XenStorage-2f64491e-f3...) exitted with signal -7
Feb 11 19:40:33 vm2 multipathd: 20000000000000000000b5600c5684e10: remaining active paths: 2
Feb 11 19:40:34 vm2 iscsid: Kernel reported iSCSI connection 3:0 error (1020) state (3)
Feb 11 19:40:36 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283751|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connection attempt timed out
Feb 11 19:40:36 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283752|reconnect|INFO|ssl: waiting 8 seconds before reconnect
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 iscsid: connection1:0 is operational after recovery (1 attempts)
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 iscsid: connection3:0 is operational after recovery (1 attempts)
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096550|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096551|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096552|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:37 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096553|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096558|rconn|INFO|xenbr0<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096559|rconn|INFO|xenbr1<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096560|rconn|INFO|xenbr2<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096561|rconn|INFO|xenbr3<->ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096562|fail_open|WARN|No longer in fail-open mode
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096566|fail_open|WARN|No longer in fail-open mode
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096567|fail_open|WARN|No longer in fail-open mode
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096568|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096569|ofp_util|INFO| pre: wildcards=0xffffffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:30:19:da:02  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=0x50  nw_proto=0xc6  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096570|ofp_util|INFO|post: wildcards= 0x23fffff  in_port=    0  dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=   0  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096571|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096572|ofp_util|INFO| pre: wildcards=  0x3ffffe  in_port=65535  dl_src=5e:8e:38:74:52:7e  dl_dst=5e:8e:38:74:52:7e  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type= 0x800  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=0x11  nw_src= 0xa40fc30  nw_dst= 0xa40fc30  tp_src=   53  tp_dst=   53
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096573|ofp_util|INFO|post: wildcards=  0x3ffffe  in_port=65535  dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=   0  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096574|ofp_util|INFO|normalization changed ofp_match, details:
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096575|ofp_util|INFO| pre: wildcards=  0x3ffffe  in_port=65534  dl_src=5e:8e:38:74:52:7e  dl_dst=5e:8e:38:74:52:7e  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type= 0x800  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=0x11  nw_src= 0xa40fc30  nw_dst= 0xa40fc30  tp_src=   53  tp_dst=   53
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096576|ofp_util|INFO|post: wildcards=  0x3ffffe  in_port=65534  dl_src=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_dst=00:00:00:00:00:00  dl_vlan=    0  dl_vlan_pcp=  0  dl_type=     0  nw_tos=   0  nw_proto=   0  nw_src=         0  nw_dst=         0  tp_src=    0  tp_dst=    0
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096577|pktbuf|INFO|Dropped 12 log messages in last 52095 seconds due to excessive rate
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096578|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096579|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096580|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096581|fail_open|WARN|No longer in fail-open mode
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096585|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096586|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096587|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096588|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096589|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096590|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096591|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096592|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096593|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096594|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096595|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096596|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096597|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096598|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096599|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096600|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:38 vm2 ovs-vswitchd: 106096601|pktbuf|INFO|Received null cookie ffffff00 (this is normal if the switch was recently in fail-open mode)
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 multipathd: sdd: readsector0 checker reports path is up
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 multipathd: 8:48: reinstated
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 multipathd: 20000000000000000000b5600c5684e10: remaining active paths: 3
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 multipathd: Path event for 20000000000000000000b5600c5684e10, calling mpathcount
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283753|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connecting...
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 ovsdb-server: 2283756|reconnect|INFO|ssl: connected
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Opened block device.
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Accepted connection on data socket
Feb 11 19:40:44 vm2 block_device_io: [ info|vm2|0||block_device_io] Closing connection on data socket
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Called as /opt/xensource/libexec/interface-reconfigure rewrite
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: No session ref given on command line, logging in.
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: host uuid is 7ab461b5-a01d-42ab-bfb2-b55ff44abbcb
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Called as /opt/xensource/libexec/interface-reconfigure rewrite
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: No session ref given on command line, logging in.
Feb 11 19:43:50 vm2 interface-reconfigure: host uuid is 7ab461b5-a01d-42ab-bfb2-b55ff44abbcb
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Running command: /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl --timeout=20 -- br-set-external-id xenbr0 xs-network-uuids 41f2006a-6dc4-6fa3-b8a5-0a4fbd2bb783 -- br-set-external-id xenbr2 xs-network-uuids 0391a257-ae66-404d-e5fd-6941ed5909c8;d1a1d986-356d-f917-4215-312f8921eaff;d4d5aceb-2116-5cbe-e4a9-1c94c1cefa56;1121391a-21b5-abe5-184c-0f38b6b2de55;d5f4a3a3-c017-9e23-403b-8524f0685caf;a2fe2583-7a7e-2339-cedf-ac5718259b90 -- br-set-external-id xenbr1 xs-network-uuids 9b2465e7-86bd-f39d-ae06-08d10e2b01c2 -- br-set-external-id xenbr3 xs-network-uuids 3ff864b1-30b0-2203-3ac8-e4550968df29
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 ovs-vsctl: 00001|vsctl|INFO|Called as /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl --timeout=20 -- br-set-external-id xenbr0 xs-network-uuids 41f2006a-6dc4-6fa3-b8a5-0a4fbd2bb783 -- br-set-external-id xenbr2 xs-network-uuids 0391a257-ae66-404d-e5fd-6941ed5909c8;d1a1d986-356d-f917-4215-312f8921eaff;d4d5aceb-2116-5cbe-e4a9-1c94c1cefa56;1121391a-21b5-abe5-184c-0f38b6b2de55;d5f4a3a3-c017-9e23-403b-8524f0685caf;a2fe2583-7a7e-2339-cedf-ac5718259b90 -- br-set-external-id xenbr1 xs-network-uuids 9b2465e7-86bd-f39d-ae06-08d10e2b01c2 -- br-set-external-id xenbr3 xs-network-uuids 3ff864b1-30b0-2203-3ac8-e4550968df29
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Unknown other-config attribute: cpuid_feature_mask
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Unknown other-config attribute: memory-ratio-hvm
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Unknown other-config attribute: memory-ratio-pv
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Unknown other-config attribute: mail-destination
Feb 11 19:43:51 vm2 interface-reconfigure: Unknown other-config attribute: ssmtp-mailhub


根據 xenserver.org 上的一些人的說法,這是 6.0 版的問題,可以通過安裝更新或升級到新版本來解決。
