
wbadmin 系統狀態備份失敗

  • October 25, 2015

嘗試將系統狀態備份到共享驅動器時,備份失敗。此共享是一個 samba 共享。samba 伺服器不在 AD 上,但我映射了一個網路驅動器,以便保存憑據(實際上無法備份到網路驅動器,wbamin 阻止了這種情況)。當我執行備份時它失敗了。下面輸出中提到的兩個日誌文件都是空的。有任何想法嗎?

PS C:\Users\Administrator> wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backuptarget:\\ny-back01\backups
wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool
(C) Copyright 2004 Microsoft Corp.

Starting to back up the system state [8/19/2010 1:41 PM]...
Retrieving volume information...
This will back up the system state from volume(s) System Reserved (100.00 MB),Local Disk(C:) to \\ny-back01\backups.
Do you want to start the backup operation?
[Y] Yes [N] No Y

Creating a shadow copy of the volumes specified for backup...
Please wait while system state files to back up are identified.
This might take several minutes...
Found (118) files.
Found (10194) files.
Found (14481) files.
Found (31086) files.
Found (36456) files.
Found (48828) files.
Found (69057) files.
Found (73761) files.
Summary of the backup operation:

The backup of the system state failed [8/19/2010 1:43 PM].
Log of files successfully backed up:

Log of files for which backup failed:

The operation ended before completion.
The version does not support this version of the file format.
PS C:\Users\Administrator>

*nix 作業系統的預設分配方法(僅在需要時分配磁碟塊)是拋出 Windows 備份進行循環。您需要預先分配空間。

將 smb.conf添加strict allocate = yes到您的 smb.conf 中,然後再試一次。(有關該選項的詳細資訊,請參見 。)strict allocate

我看到一些隆隆聲表明打開strict allocate,但是,當要求分配非常大的文件時,可能會使某些 Windows 客戶端“超時”……可愛。用一個問題換另一個問題。你的旅費可能會改變。
