
收到錯誤“無法創建新記錄。節點是 CNAME DNS 記錄。”將 MX 記錄添加到 Windows Server 2003 DNS 時

  • July 3, 2013

我們正在嘗試將 MX 記錄添加到 Windows Server 2003 DNS 伺服器並收到以下錯誤:

“無法創建新記錄。節點是 CNAME DNS 記錄。”

域名是。我們創建一條新的 MX 記錄並將“主機或子域:”欄位留空,然後我們將“”放入“郵件伺服器的完全限定域名 (FQDN):”欄位中,然後保留預設優先級 10。


如果您嘗試為corp.example.com等主機名設置 MX 記錄(用於發送到 的郵件),並且該名稱作為 CNAME 記錄而不是 A 記錄存在,則會導致此錯誤。如果主機以 CNAME 的形式存在,則它不能也有與之關聯的其他記錄類型。您需要將主機名重新創建為 A 記錄,然後將 MX 記錄添加到其中。

RFC 2181 禁止在 MX 記錄中使用 CNAME 值:

10.3. MX and NS records
  The domain name used as the value of a NS resource record, or part of
  the value of a MX resource record must not be an alias.  Not only is
  the specification clear on this point, but using an alias in either
  of these positions neither works as well as might be hoped, nor well
  fulfills the ambition that may have led to this approach.  This
  domain name must have as its value one or more address records.
  Currently those will be A records, however in the future other record
  types giving addressing information may be acceptable.  It can also
  have other RRs, but never a CNAME RR.

