如何使用命令行或腳本為 Windows SMTP 添加允許的中繼 IP
我有一長串 IP 地址需要添加為允許中繼到 Windows Server 2008 R2 上的內置 SMTP 服務(IIS 7.5,但 SMTP 使用舊的 IIS 6.0 管理器)
IIS 6 SMTP 伺服器?此配置位於 IIS 元數據庫 XML 文件中的
Line: RelayIpListVBS 設置中繼 IP:
Option Explicit Dim objSMTP,objRelayIpList,objCurrentList,objIP,objFSO,objTextFile,count,newIpList(),inputOption Set objSMTP = GetObject("IIS://localhost/smtpsvc/1") Set objRelayIpList = objSMTP.Get("RelayIpList") 'objRelayIpList is of type IIsIPSecuritySetting Wscript.Echo "============================================" Wscript.Echo "CURRENT SETTINGS" Wscript.Echo "================" Wscript.Echo " " Wscript.Echo "Computer(s) that may relay through this virtual server." Wscript.Echo " " ' GrantByDefault returns 0 when "only the list below" is set (false) and -1 when all except the list below is set(true) If objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = true Then Wscript.Echo "All except the list below :" objCurrentList = objRelayIpList.IPDeny Else Wscript.Echo "Only the list below :" objCurrentList = objRelayIpList.IPGrant End If count = 0 For Each objIP in objCurrentList Wscript.Echo objIP count = count + 1 Next If count = 0 Then Wscript.Echo "*NIL*" End If Wscript.Echo "============================================" Wscript.Echo " " Wscript.Echo "Replacing ReplayIpList with the IP address(es) from the ip.txt file." Wscript.Echo " " Do While Not((inputOption = "a") Or (inputOption = "d") Or (inputOption = "x") ) Wscript.Echo "ENTER " Wscript.Echo "A to add to Allow List (Only the list below)" Wscript.Echo "D to add to Deny List (All except the list below)" Wscript.Echo "X Exit without making changes" Wscript.Echo " " inputOption = lcase(trim(Wscript.StdIn.ReadLine)) Loop Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.FileExists("ip.txt") Then Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("ip.txt",1) count = 0 Do Until objTextFile.AtEndOfStream Redim Preserve newIpList(count) newIpList(count) = objTextFile.Readline count = count + 1 Loop objTextFile.Close 'For each objIP in newIpList ' Wscript.Echo objIP 'Next Wscript.Echo " " Select Case inputOption Case "a" objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = false objRelayIpList.IpGrant = newIpList Wscript.Echo "SET " & count &" address(es) to Allow List" Case "d" objRelayIpList.GrantByDefault = true objRelayIpList.IpDeny = newIpList Wscript.Echo "SET " & count &" address(es) to Deny List" Case "x" Wscript.Echo "Exiting without making changes" Wscript.Echo "============================================" Wscript.Quit End Select objSMTP.Put "RelayIpList",objRelayIpList objSMTP.SetInfo Wscript.Echo " " Wscript.Echo "============================================" Else Wscript.Echo "Please create a file ip.txt that contains the list of IP address(es)" Wscript.Echo "FORMAT : Each Line should be IP,MASK " Wscript.Echo "EX :," End If
Script to Import a bunch of IP addresses to the ReplayIpList (c) USAGE : cscript ImportRelayList.vbs PREREQUISITE : This script needs ip.txt in the same folder. Store your IP addresses in ip.txt FORMAT: Each line should be IP,MASK
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