
Windows 性能計數器中的 (*) 是什麼

  • April 22, 2016


\LogicalDisk(*)% 可用空間





星號代表“所有實例”,其中包括 _Total(如果適用)。

Perfmon 可能是查看計數器並查看系統上可用內容的最簡單的地方。

typeperf 的文件中

•Counter path format 

The general format for counter paths is as follows: [\\Computer]\object[parent/instance#index]\counter] where:

The parent, instance, index, and counter components of the format may contain either a valid name or a wildcard character. The computer, parent, instance, and index components are not necessary for all counters.

You determine the counter paths to use based on the counter itself. For example, the LogicalDisk object has an instance index, so you must provide the #index or a wildcard. Therefore, you could use the following format:


In comparison, the Process object does not require an instance index. Therefore, you could use the following format:

\Process(*)\ID Process

The following is a list of the possible formats: ◦ \\machine\object(parent/instance#index)\counter 

◦ \\machine\object(parent/instance)\counter 

◦ \\machine\object(instance#index)\counter 

◦ \\machine\object(instance)\counter 

◦ \\machine\object\counter 

◦ \object(parent/instance#index)\counter 

◦ \object(parent/instance)\counter 

◦ \object(instance#index)\counter 

◦ \object(instance)\counter 

◦ \object\counter

編輯:哦,別忘了查看 Powershell 中的 Get-Counter:

PS C:\> (Get-Counter -ListSet Memory).Paths

\Memory\Page Faults/sec
\Memory\Available Bytes
\Memory\Committed Bytes
\Memory\Commit Limit
\Memory\Write Copies/sec
\Memory\Transition Faults/sec
\Memory\Cache Faults/sec
\Memory\Demand Zero Faults/sec
\Memory\Pages Input/sec

The second command gets the path names that include "cache".
PS C:\> (Get-Counter -ListSet Memory).Paths | Where {$_ -like "*Cache*"}

\Memory\Cache Faults/sec
\Memory\Cache Bytes
\Memory\Cache Bytes Peak
\Memory\System Cache Resident Bytes
\Memory\Standby Cache Reserve Bytes
\Memory\Standby Cache Normal Priority Bytes
\Memory\Standby Cache Core Bytes
