
在 Server 2008 中添加“網路策略和訪問服務”角色時出現問題

  • September 25, 2014

嘗試在全新的Windows Server 2008 R2安裝上添加“網路策略和訪問服務”角色時遇到錯誤程式碼 0x80070643 。這個問題有已知的解決方案嗎?以下是我們目前掌握的資訊:

從 ServerManager.log…

2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.712 [CBS]                       installing 'IAS NT Service RasServerAll RasRoutingProtocols ' ...
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.911 [CBS]                       ...parents that will be auto-installed: 'RasServer '
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.912 [CBS]                       ...default children to turn-off: '<none>'
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.924 [CBS]                       ...current state of 'IAS NT Service': p: Staged, a: Staged, s: UninstallRequested
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.924 [CBS]                       ...setting state of 'IAS NT Service' to 'InstallRequested'
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.935 [CBS]                       ...current state of 'RasServerAll': p: Staged, a: Staged, s: UninstallRequested
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.935 [CBS]                       ...setting state of 'RasServerAll' to 'InstallRequested'
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.946 [CBS]                       ...current state of 'RasRoutingProtocols': p: Staged, a: Staged, s: UninstallRequested
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.946 [CBS]                       ...setting state of 'RasRoutingProtocols' to 'InstallRequested'
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.956 [CBS]                       ...current state of 'RasServer': p: Staged, a: Staged, s: UninstallRequested
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.956 [CBS]                       ...setting state of 'RasServer' to 'InstallRequested'
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.967 [CBS]                       ...'IAS NT Service' : applicability: Applicable
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.977 [CBS]                       ...'RasServerAll' : applicability: Applicable
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.987 [CBS]                       ...'RasRoutingProtocols' : applicability: Applicable
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:01.998 [CBS]                       ...'RasServer' : applicability: Applicable
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:02.906 [CbsUIHandler]              Initiate:
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:02.906 [InstallationProgressPage]  Installing...
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.311 [CbsUIHandler]              Error: -2147023293 :
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.313 [CbsUIHandler]              Terminate:
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.316 [InstallationProgressPage]  Verifying installation...
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.326 [CBS]                       ...done installing 'IAS NT Service RasServerAll RasRoutingProtocols '. Status: -2147023293 (80070643)
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.329 [NPAS]                      Skipped configuration of 'Network Policy Server' because install operation failed.
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.330 [NPAS]                      Skipped configuration of 'Remote Access Service' because install operation failed.
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.330 [NPAS]                      Skipped configuration of 'Routing' because install operation failed.
2504: 2009-11-23 11:12:54.330 [Provider]                 
[STAT] ---- CBS Session Consolidation -----
[STAT] For
         'Network Policy Server',
         'Remote Access Service',
         'Routing'[STAT] installation(s) took '52.616957' second(s) total.
[STAT] Configuration(s) took '0.0004948' second(s) total.
[STAT] Total time: '52.6174518' second(s).


Log Name:      System
Source:        Service Control Manager
Date:          23/11/2009 11:12:23
Event ID:      7023
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      Av7Analytics
The Network Policy Server service terminated with the following error:
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
   <Provider Name="Service Control Manager" Guid="{555908d1-a6d7-4695-8e1e-26931d2012f4}" EventSourceName="Service Control Manager" />
   <EventID Qualifiers="49152">7023</EventID>
   <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-11-23T11:12:23.653578500Z" />
   <Correlation />
   <Execution ProcessID="468" ThreadID="2308" />
   <Security />
   <Data Name="param1">Network Policy Server</Data>
   <Data Name="param2">%%-2147013892</Data>


Log Name:      Setup
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager
Date:          23/11/2009 11:12:56
Event ID:      1616
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
User:          AV7ANALYTICS\RenamedAdmin
Computer:      Av7Analytics
Installation failed.


Network Policy and Access Services
  Error: Attempt to install Network Policy Server failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  Error: Attempt to install Remote Access Service failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  Error: Attempt to install Routing failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  The following role services were not installed:
  Network Policy Server
  Routing and Remote Access Services
     Remote Access Service

Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="">
   <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager" Guid="{8C474092-13E4-430E-9F06-5B60A529BF38}" />
   <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-11-23T11:12:56.046431200Z" />
   <Correlation />
   <Execution ProcessID="2504" ThreadID="2344" />
   <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-2753803390-1569373846-1208217686-500" />
   <EventXML xmlns:auto-ns3="" xmlns="Event_NS">


Network Policy and Access Services
  Error: Attempt to install Network Policy Server failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  Error: Attempt to install Remote Access Service failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  Error: Attempt to install Routing failed with error code 0x80070643.  Fatal error during installation
  The following role services were not installed:
  Network Policy Server
  Routing and Remote Access Services
     Remote Access Service

     <identifiers>14, 206, 207, 208, 205</identifiers>




我不知道是什麼導致了這個錯誤,但它最終消失了。我想那是我第一次安裝其他角色的時候(也許是應用程序,不太記得了)。這當然是一個奇怪的錯誤!但是我現在確實在我的 2008 機器上安裝了 NPAS,所以它最終工作了。對不起,這不再是幫助:( -


我不知道是什麼導致了這個錯誤,但它最終消失了。我想那是我第一次安裝其他角色的時候(也許是應用程序,不太記得了)。這當然是一個奇怪的錯誤!但是我現在確實在我的 2008 機器上安裝了 NPAS,所以它最終工作了。

