
如何從舊的 Exchange Server 2007 中刪除複製?

  • December 4, 2017

上週,我將所有郵箱、OAB 等遷移到了新的 Exchange 2007 Server(從 2007 年開始)。我現在唯一遇到的問題是從伺服器上解除安裝舊的 Exchange,這樣我就可以關閉了。當我嘗試時,我得到了錯誤:

   Mailbox Role Checks              ......................... FAILED
    Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database': The public fo
lder database "EXCHSVR2007\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" is t
he default public folder database for the following mailbox database(s):
EXCHSVR2007\First Storage Group\Mailbox Database
EXCHSVR2007\First Storage Group\second
. Before deleting the public folder database, assign a new public folder databas
e to the mailbox database(s).


       Mailbox Role Checks              ......................... FAILED
    Uninstall cannot continue. Database 'Public Folder Database': The public fo
lder database "PXE-EXCHSVR2007\Second Storage Group\Public Folder Database" cont
ains folder replicas. Before deleting the public folder database, remove the fol
ders or move the replicas to another public folder database. For detailed instru
ctions about how to remove a public folder database, see


好的,經過數小時的搜尋和測試,我終於弄明白了。我必須使用 ADSI Edit 從域中刪除公用文件夾儲存,然後才能成功解除安裝舊的 Exchange 伺服器。它可能不漂亮,但它有效:

ADSIEdit, 去Configuration, Configuration, Services, Microsoft Exchange, <YOUR ORGANIZATION>, Administrative Groups, Exchange Administrative Group, Servers, <SERVER NAME>, Information Store, <STORAGE GROUP NAME>. 然後在右側窗格中,突出顯示Public Folder Store並刪除它。
