

  • April 14, 2015



主 DC 上的 Dcdiag 顯示:

 Starting test: VerifyReferences
    Some objects relating to the DC VIEW-A have problems:
       [1] Problem: Missing Expected Value
        Base Object:
       CN=NTDS Settings,CN=VIEW-A,CN=Servers,CN=Stafford-HQ,CN=Sites,CN=Con
        Base Object Description: "DSA Object"
        Value Object Attribute Name: serverReferenceBL
        Value Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"
        Recommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862

       [1] Problem: Missing Expected Value
        Base Object: CN=VIEW-A,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ea-hq,DC=com
        Base Object Description: "DC Account Object"
        Value Object Attribute Name: frsComputerReferenceBL
        Value Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"
        Recommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862

    ......................... VIEW-A failed test VerifyReferences


 Starting test: Replications
    ERROR: Expected notification link is missing.
    Source VIEW-A
    Replication of new changes along this path will be delayed.
    This problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.
    ERROR: Expected notification link is missing.
    Source VIEW-A
    Replication of new changes along this path will be delayed.
    This problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.
    ERROR: Expected notification link is missing.
    Source VIEW-A
    Replication of new changes along this path will be delayed.
    This problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.
    ERROR: Expected notification link is missing.
    Source VIEW-A
    Replication of new changes along this path will be delayed.
    This problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.
    ERROR: Expected notification link is missing.
    Source VIEW-A
    Replication of new changes along this path will be delayed.
    This problem should self-correct on the next periodic sync.
    ......................... VIEW-C passed test Replications
 Starting test: RidManager
    ......................... VIEW-C passed test RidManager
 Starting test: Services
       Invalid service startup type: NtFrs on VIEW-C, current value
       DISABLED, expected value AUTO_START
       NtFrs Service is stopped on [VIEW-C]
    ......................... VIEW-C failed test Services
 Starting test: SystemLog
    A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x00000458
       Time Generated: 04/14/2015   10:57:47
       Event String:
       The Group Policy Client Side Extension Folder Redirection was unable
to apply one or more settings because the changes must be processed before system startup or user logon. The system will wait for Group Policy processing to finish completely before the next startup or logon for this user, and this may result in slow startup and boot performance.
    A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x00001695
       Time Generated: 04/14/2015   11:36:38
       Event String:
       Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associat
ed with DNS domain '' failed.  These records are used by other computers to locate this server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).
    A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x00001695
       Time Generated: 04/14/2015   11:36:38
       Event String:
       Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associat
ed with DNS domain '' failed.  These records are used by other computers to locate this server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).
    A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x00001695
       Time Generated: 04/14/2015   11:36:38
       Event String:
       Dynamic registration or deletion of one or more DNS records associat
ed with DNS domain '' failed.  These records are used by other computers to locate this server as a domain controller (if the specified domain is an Active Directory domain) or as an LDAP server (if the specified domain is an application partition).
    ......................... VIEW-C passed test SystemLog
 Starting test: VerifyReferences
    Some objects relating to the DC VIEW-C have problems:
       [1] Problem: Missing Expected Value
        Base Object: CN=VIEW-C,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=ea-hq,DC=com
        Base Object Description: "DC Account Object"
        Value Object Attribute Name: frsComputerReferenceBL
        Value Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"
        Recommended Action: See Knowledge Base Article: Q312862

    ......................... VIEW-C failed test VerifyReferences


主 DC 是 windows 2008,輔助 DC 是 2012。

我怎樣才能至少解決在 dcdiag 中發現的這些問題?這些問題是導致主 DC 無法複製到輔助 DC 的原因還是單獨的問題?

嘗試在主 DC 上手動添加 DC:


您是否為輔助伺服器使用了相同的主機名和 IP 地址?如果是這樣,您需要將輔助伺服器作為 DC 刪除,請將 DNS/ADDS 中的所有 GUID/引用刪除到舊名稱…或者您可以使用唯一名稱。
