
刪除孤立的 Windows 2000 Server 域控制器(VerifyEnterpriseReferences 測試失敗)

  • October 16, 2014

我有一台 Windows Server 2003 機器,它是我們的域控制器。它是唯一的域控制器(我知道不好的做法)。它有一些硬體問題,所以我想將域控制器移動到 Windows Server 2012 機器上。我執行以下dcdiag命令只是為了確保在遷移 DC 之前域是健康的:

Dcdiag /v /c /d /e /s:SERVER001 >c:\dcdiag.log


 Starting test: VerifyEnterpriseReferences
    The following problems were found while verifying various important DN
    references.  Note, that  these problems can be reported because of
    latency in replication.  So follow up to resolve the following
    problems, only if the same problem is reported on all DCs for a given
    domain or if  the problem persists after replication has had
    reasonable time to replicate changes. 
       [1] Problem: Missing Expected Value
        Base Object:
       CN=AMPNT1,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=Ampdomain,DC=com
        Base Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"
        Value Object Attribute Name: frsComputerReference
        Value Object Description: "DC Account Object"
        Recommended Action: Check if this server is deleted, and if so
       clean up this DCs SYSVOL FRS Member Object.  Also see Knowledge
       Base Article:  Q312862

       [2] Problem: Missing Expected Value
        Base Object:
       CN=AMPNT1,CN=Domain System Volume (SYSVOL share),CN=File Replication Service,CN=System,DC=Ampdomain,DC=com
        Base Object Description: "SYSVOL FRS Member Object"
        Value Object Attribute Name: serverReference
        Value Object Description: "DSA Object"
        Recommended Action: Check if this server is deleted, and if so
       clean up this DCs SYSVOL FRS Member Object.  Also see Knowledge
       Base Article  Q312862

    ......................... SERVER001 failed test VerifyEnterpriseReferences

AMPNT1恰好是一台舊的 Windows 2000 Server 機器。不久前,我將 DC 功能從它移到了SERVER001機器上。我猜它沒有被正確降級。


我正在完成這些步驟,但我卡在第 13 步。我沒有看到伺服器 AMPNT1 的條目。這是我得到的:


我可能做錯了什麼?我該如何解決VerifyEnterpriseReferences失敗的測試?我是否朝著正確的方向前進?在將 DC 功能移至 Windows Server 2012 機器之前是否需要更正此問題?

您可以在以下螢幕截圖中看到AMPNT1在 Active Directory 使用者和電腦的域控制器對像中或 Active Directory 站點和服務的伺服器節點下找不到:



對於您正在嘗試做的事情,一篇更好的文章是:如何在域控制器降級失敗後刪除 Active Directory 中的數據

根據您的ntfsutil命令螢幕截圖,您只需要繼續該過程。下一步是 a select site 0,然後是 alist servers in site和 a select server xx為要刪除的伺服器返回的序號在哪裡)。然後你會quitremove selected server



看起來舊的 AMPNT1 伺服器已從 Active Directory 站點和服務中刪除,因此您已經完成了ntdsutil.

要消除dcdiag輸出中的“VerifyEnterpriseReferences”失敗,請使用adisedit(從 Windows 支持工具)導航到“系統”容器下的“文件複製服務”容器中的“域系統卷(SYSVOL 共享)”子容器目錄的“域”分區。你會在那裡找到一個“AMPNT1”對象。刪除該對像以刪除出現在“VerifyEnterpriseReferences”輸出中的引用。

它不認為在部署 Windows Server 2012 DC 之前清理它是絕對必要的,但我當然會。
