我在 Windows 2003 伺服器上設置了 Active Directory (AD) 域控制器。我讓嚮導完成所有工作。
The parameter is incorrect
從 NetSetup.log:
09/24 21:48:30 NetpDoDomainJoin 09/24 21:48:30 NetpMachineValidToJoin: 'NITROXDM' 09/24 21:48:30 NetpGetLsaPrimaryDomain: status: 0x0 09/24 21:48:30 NetpMachineValidToJoin: status: 0x0 09/24 21:48:30 NetpJoinDomain 09/24 21:48:30 Machine: NITROXDM 09/24 21:48:30 Domain: tdomain 09/24 21:48:30 MachineAccountOU: (NULL) 09/24 21:48:30 Account: tdomain\Administrator 09/24 21:48:30 Options: 0x25 09/24 21:48:30 OS Version: 5.1 09/24 21:48:30 Build number: 2600 09/24 21:48:30 ServicePack: Service Pack 3 09/24 21:48:30 NetpValidateName: checking to see if 'tdomain' is valid as type 3 name 09/24 21:48:30 NetpCheckDomainNameIsValid [ Exists ] for 'tdomain' returned 0x0 09/24 21:48:30 NetpValidateName: name 'tdomain' is valid for type 3 09/24 21:48:30 NetpDsGetDcName: trying to find DC in domain 'tdomain', flags: 0x1020 09/24 21:48:45 NetpDsGetDcName: failed to find a DC having account 'NITROXDM$': 0x525 09/24 21:48:45 NetpDsGetDcName: found DC '\\SRV1' in the specified domain 09/24 21:48:45 NetUseAdd to \\SRV1\IPC$ returned 1219 09/24 21:48:45 Trying add to \\SRV1\IPC$ using NULL Session 09/24 21:48:45 NullSession NetUseAdd to \\SRV1\IPC$ returned 1219 09/24 21:48:45 NetpJoinDomain: status of connecting to dc '\\SRV1': 0x4c3 09/24 21:48:45 NetpDoDomainJoin: status: 0x4c3
netsetup.log 中的錯誤 1219 是根據msdn “ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT 1219 (0x4C3); 不允許同一使用者使用多個使用者名與伺服器或共享資源的多個連接。斷開與伺服器的所有先前連接或共享資源,然後再試一次。”
從支持工具中嘗試 dcdiag 和 netdiag。確保電腦使用 DC DNS 伺服器。使用 nslookup 對照 DC 記錄檢查此 DNS 以進行訪問。