
將所有 HTML 絕對連結更改為相對連結

  • August 13, 2016


我知道wget與**–convert-links**,但它在我的情況下不起作用。我的網站實際上是用 wget 鏡像的,但是當我使用時間戳選項重新抓取它以獲取更新時 –convert-links 無法正常工作。還有其他方法嗎?


該網站使用 Apache 2.0 託管,但我無權訪問伺服器配置。

您可以對站點中的每個文件進行搜尋和替換,以獲得所需的內容。也許使用正則表達式模式。在 Linux/Unix 上sed,其他命令行工具可能會有所幫助。

我不確定您為什麼要談論 wget 和鏡像工具。您無權訪問這些文件嗎?



將 HTML 文件中的絕對連結更改為相對連結

此實用程序將通過指定目錄遞歸,解析所有 .htm 和 .html 文件,並將任何絕對 URL 替換為您定義的基礎的相對 URL。

您還可以指定要解析的連結類型:img、src、action 或任何其他類型。請參閱模組原始碼中的 HTML::Tagset 的 %linkElements 散列,了解支持的標記類型的精確細分。

這個程序是嘗試 Getopt::Declare 的好習慣,它是一個優秀的命令行解析器。請注意DATA標籤下方的參數說明。

免責聲明:始終使用 -b 開關強製備份,以防萬一您有非標準 HTML 並且 HTML::TreeBuilder 解析器破壞了它。



#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Getopt::Declare;
use Cwd;
use File::Find;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use URI::URL qw(url);
use File::Copy;
use IO::File;


$VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.1 $)[1];

#Load the definition and grab the command-line parameters
my $opts = Getopt::Declare->new( do{ local $/; <DATA> } );

#Cycle through this directory, and all those underneath it
find(\&wanted, $DIRECTORY || getcwd);

#Parse each HTML file and make a backup
#of it using File::Copy::copy.
sub wanted {
 return unless $File::Find::name =~ /html?$/;

 #Extract Links from the file
 my $h = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;

 my $link_elements = $h->extract_links(@WANTED_TYPES);
 return unless @$link_elements;

 #Grab each img src and re-write them so they are relative URL's
 foreach my $link_element (@$link_elements) {
   my $link    = shift @$link_element; #URL value
   my $element = shift @$link_element; #HTML::Element Object

   my $url = url($link)->canonical;
   next unless $url->can('host_port') and
     $BASE_URL->host_port eq $url->host_port;

   #Sigh.. The following is because extract_links() doesn't
   #tell you which attribute $link belongs to, except to say
   #it is the value of an attribute in $element.. somewhere.

   #Given the $link, find out which attribute it was for
   my ($attr) = grep {
     defined $element->attr($_) and $link eq $element->attr($_)
   } @{ $HTML::Tagset::linkElements{$element->tag} };

   #Re-write the attribute in the HTML::Element Tree
   #Note: $BASE_URL needs to be quoted here.
   $element->attr($attr, $url->path("$BASE_URL"));

 #Make a backup of the file before over-writing it
 copy $File::Find::name => $File::Find::name.'.bak'
   if defined $BACKUP;

 #Save the updated file
 my $fh = IO::File->new($File::Find::name, O_RDWR)
   or die "Could not open $File::Find::name: $!";

#If there is an error here, you need to have one tab
#between the <$var> and the option description.
-u <base_url>         Base URL (http://www.yoursite.com) [required]
                     { $BASE_URL = url($base_url)->canonical }
-b                    Backup changed files
                     { $BACKUP = 1  }
-d <directory>        Starting Directory to recurse from
                     { $DIRECTORY = $directory }
-l <links>...         Links to process: img, href, etc [required]
                     { @WANTED_TYPES = @links }
