
如何在 Windows 圖像中創建 VPN 連接?

  • July 5, 2014

就像我們可以將驅動程序包添加到 Windows 圖像文件一樣,可以 通過Add-VpnConnection在 .wim 文件中添加vpn 連接嗎?

我已經做了很多探勘,看起來 CMAK 就是你想要的:生成 exe 並讓它由 MDT 或 unattend.XML 自動執行。

@Evan Anderson 說過:

You can use this tool to create a program to generate an EXE that automatically configures client computers with a "connection" to your VPN server. We typically deploy it onto client computers using startup scripts with a registry-based versioning mechanism to cause computers to install new versions if we deploy them.

Cmak 代表Connection Manager Administation Kit 你可以在這裡找到它:Microsoft Technet

