
監控配置重新載入 - 應該重新啟動受監控的服務?

  • June 17, 2014

在 Ubuntu 伺服器上執行 Monit 5.4。當我使用monit reload時,它似乎重新啟動了受監控的服務(在這種情況下為 Tomcat 7)。這是預期的行為嗎?文件說

reload - 重新初始化正在執行的 Monit 守護程序,守護程序將重新讀取其配置,關閉並重新打開日誌文件。


這是的輸出monit status

The Monit daemon 5.4 uptime: 15h 0m 

Process 'tomcat7'
 status                            Running
 monitoring status                 Monitored
 pid                               38842
 parent pid                        1
 uptime                            14h 30m 
 children                          0
 memory kilobytes                  3445964
 memory kilobytes total            3445964
 memory percent                    10.4%
 memory percent total              10.4%
 cpu percent                       14.8%
 cpu percent total                 14.8%
 port response time                0.018s to localhost:80 [HTTP via TCP]
 data collected                    Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:39:36

System 'mytiny.company.net'
 status                            Running
 monitoring status                 Monitored
 load average                      [0.32] [0.49] [0.57]
 cpu                               15.5%us 0.2%sy 0.0%wa
 memory usage                      8217684 kB [25.0%]
 swap usage                        14980 kB [0.7%]
 data collected                    Tue, 17 Jun 2014 15:39:36


# Tomcat
check process tomcat7 with pidfile /var/run/tomcat7.pid
start program = "/etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart"
stop program = "/etc/init.d/tomcat7 stop"

if cpu > 60% for 2 cycles then alert
if cpu > 80% for 5 cycles then restart

if failed port 80 and protocol http
 then restart
if 5 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout

文件的其餘部分為預設值,但檢查間隔為 60 秒。Tomcat 確實在 80 埠上執行。

這不是應該發生的事情。monit reload僅重新讀取其配置文件並應用新更改。如果你有同樣的問題service monit restart嗎?


請粘貼 的輸出monit status
