SVN 送出後問題(呼叫 Bash)
我想在我的送出後掛鉤結束時呼叫一個 bash 腳本(做一些 rsync 魔術)。
#!/bin/bash REPOS="$1" REV="$2" SVNLOOK="/usr/bin/svnlook" AWK="/usr/bin/awk" temp_dir="/var/www/vhosts/"$(date +"%s") # to avoid conflict, append unix timestamp webroot_dev="/var/www/vhosts/" webroot_alpha="/var/www/vhosts/" webroot_beta="/var/www/vhosts/" webroot_live="/var/www/vhosts/" repo_dev="file:///var/svn/Echo/branches/Dev" repo_alpha="file:///var/svn/Echo/trunk" repo_beta="file:///var/svn/Echo/branches/Beta" repo_live="file:///var/svn/Echo/branches/Live" is_dev=`$SVNLOOK dirs-changed -r "$REV" "$REPOS" | grep -c "Dev"` is_alpha=`$SVNLOOK dirs-changed -r "$REV" "$REPOS" | grep -c "trunk"` is_beta=`$SVNLOOK dirs-changed -r "$REV" "$REPOS" | grep -c "Beta"` is_live=`$SVNLOOK dirs-changed -r "$REV" "$REPOS" | grep -c "Live"` # Export from svn to web root; save previous version in ??? if [ $is_dev -gt 0 ]; then rev="$SVNLOOK youngest $repo_dev"; svn export "$repo_dev" "$temp_dir" --force rm -rf "${webroot_dev}.bkp" mv -f "${webroot_dev}/" "${webroot_dev}.bkp" mv -f "$temp_dir" "$webroot_dev" date +%s > "${webroot_dev}/public/ex/config/version.txt" cp "/usr/local/bin/scripts/releases/" "${webroot_dev}/public/ex/config/ini/override.ini" chown -R apache:apache "$webroot_dev" chown -R apache:apache "${webroot_dev}.bkp" cp -p -R "${webroot_dev}.bkp/public/uploads/avatars" "${webroot_dev}/public/uploads" sh /var/svn/Echo/hooks/ # -- THIS IS WHAT FAILS elif [ $is_alpha -gt 0 ]; then svn export "$repo_alpha" "$temp_dir" --force rm -rf "${webroot_alpha}.bkp" mv -f "${webroot_alpha}/" "${webroot_alpha}.bkp" mv -f "$temp_dir" "$webroot_alpha" date +%s > "${webroot_alpha}/public/ex/config/version.txt" chown -R apache:apache "$webroot_alpha" chown -R apache:apache "${webroot_alpha}.bkp" cp -p -R "${webroot_alpha}.bkp/public/uploads/avatars" "${webroot_alpha}/public/uploads" elif [ $is_beta -gt 0 ]; then : elif [ $is_live -gt 0 ]; then : fi
#!/bin/bash rsync -rtvu --cvs-exclude --delete /var/www/vhosts/ -e "ssh -i /var/svn/Project/hooks/testing.pem" ec2-user@ipaddress:/home/ec2-user/testing/
送出後掛鉤失敗(退出程式碼 255),輸出:主機密鑰驗證失敗。rsync:連接意外關閉(到目前為止收到 0 個字節)
$$ sender $$ rsync 錯誤:在 io.c(463) 出現無法解釋的錯誤(程式碼 255)$$ sender=2.6.8 $$
更新:如果我從同一位置手動執行,這一切都很好。只有在通過 post-commit 掛鉤執行 bash 腳本時才會報告主機密鑰錯誤。
在 ssh 身份驗證期間,可能會提示您將主機添加到您的 known_hosts 文件中?
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
ssh 手冊頁摘錄:
ssh automatically maintains and checks a database containing identification for all hosts it has ever been used with. Host keys are stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts in the user’s home directory. Additionally, the file /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts is automatically checked for known hosts. Any new hosts are automatically added to the user’s file. If a host’s identification ever changes, ssh warns about this and disables password authentication to prevent server spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks, which could otherwise be used to circumvent the encryption. The StrictHostKeyChecking option can be used to control logins to machines whose host key is not known or has changed.