
為什麼我不斷收到 Microsoft-Kernel-Power 錯誤,並且我的 2012 R2 DataCenter 隨機重啟並出現此錯誤

  • May 31, 2016

Windows Server 2012 R2 數據中心上的 Microsoft-Kernel-Power 錯誤 ID=41。

由於發生此錯誤,我的伺服器昨天兩次宕機,導致伺服器自行重新啟動。這是一個 Azure VM。



這表示不正常的關閉。即節點是使用軟體電源開關擊中頭部的。有什麼可以聯繫 MS 的。

Log Name:  System
Source:       Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
Event ID:    41
Level:         Critical
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
An event 41 can occur in the following scenarios.

Scenario 1: The computer restarts, and there is a Stop error BugcheckCode in the event data

When a Stop error occurs, the Stop error data is written in Event ID 41 as part of the additional event data. There may be the instances in which the Stop error code information cannot be written before the computer restarts or shuts down. Such instances are covered in scenario 3. 

Scenario 2: The computer is shut down By Azure (there was no outage listed in Azure Service Dashboard)

Scenario 3: The system randomly restarts and no Stop error BugcheckCode is listed, or the computer is completely unresponsive (hard hang)
