
Proliant 伺服器不接受 RAID 1+0 中的新硬碟?

  • July 17, 2013

我有一個 HP ProLiant DL380 G5,我有兩個配置了 RAID 的邏輯驅動器。我有一個邏輯驅動器 RAID 1+0 和兩個 72 gb 10k sas 1 埠備用號 376597-001。

我有一個硬碟出現故障並下令更換。配置實用程序顯示錯誤並且不會重建 RAID。我推測是硬碟故障並再次下令更換。同時,我將原來的故障磁碟放回伺服器,這開始重建。目前顯示正常狀態但是在日誌中我可以看到硬體錯誤。


我已經用最新的韌體 7.24 更新了 P400 控制器,但仍然沒有運氣。

我能看到的唯一區別是原始驅動器具有韌體 0103(與 RAID 驅動器相同),而新驅動器具有 HPD2。




ctrl 全部顯示配置

插槽 1 中的智能陣列 P400(序列號:PAFGK0P9VWO0UQ)

 array A (SAS, Unused Space: 0  MB)

 logicaldrive 1 (68.5 GB, RAID 1, Interim Recovery Mode)

 physicaldrive 2I:1:1 (port 2I:box 1:bay 1, SAS, 73.5 GB, OK)
 physicaldrive 2I:1:2 (port 2I:box 1:bay 2, SAS, 72 GB, Failed

 array B (SAS, Unused Space: 0  MB)

 logicaldrive 2 (558.7 GB, RAID 5, OK)

 physicaldrive 1I:1:5 (port 1I:box 1:bay 5, SAS, 300 GB, OK)
 physicaldrive 2I:1:3 (port 2I:box 1:bay 3, SAS, 300 GB, OK)
 physicaldrive 2I:1:4 (port 2I:box 1:bay 4, SAS, 300 GB, OK)

ctrl all 顯示配置詳細資訊

 Smart Array P400 in Slot 1
 Bus Interface: PCI
 Slot: 1
 Serial Number: PAFGK0P9VWO0UQ
 Cache Serial Number: PA82C0J9VWL8I7
 RAID 6 (ADG) Status: Disabled
 Controller Status: OK
 Hardware Revision: E
 Firmware Version: 7.24
 Rebuild Priority: Medium
 Expand Priority: Medium
 Surface Scan Delay: 15 secs
 Surface Scan Mode: Idle
 Wait for Cache Room: Disabled
 Surface Analysis Inconsistency Notification: Disabled
 Post Prompt Timeout: 0 secs
 Cache Board Present: True
 Cache Status: OK
 Cache Status Details: A cache error was detected. Run
 more information.
 Cache Ratio: 100% Read / 0% Write
 Drive Write Cache: Disabled
 Total Cache Size: 256 MB
 Total Cache Memory Available: 208 MB
 No-Battery Write Cache: Disabled
 Battery/Capacitor Count: 0
 SATA NCQ Supported: True

 Array: A
 Interface Type: SAS
 Unused Space: 0  MB
 Status: Failed Physical Drive
 Array Type: Data

 One of the drives on this array have failed or has

    Logical Drive: 1
    Size: 68.5 GB
    Fault Tolerance: RAID 1
    Heads: 255
    Sectors Per Track: 32
    Cylinders: 17594
    Strip Size: 128 KB
    Full Stripe Size: 128 KB
    Status: Interim Recovery Mode
    Caching:  Enabled
    Unique Identifier: 600508B10010503956574F305551
    Disk Name: \\.\PhysicalDrive0
    Mount Points: C:\ 68.5 GB
    Logical Drive Label: A0100539PAFGK0P9VWO0UQ0E93
    Mirror Group 0:
       physicaldrive 2I:1:2 (port 2I:box 1:bay 2, S
    Mirror Group 1:
       physicaldrive 2I:1:1 (port 2I:box 1:bay 1, S
    Drive Type: Data

    physicaldrive 2I:1:1
    Port: 2I
    Box: 1
    Bay: 1
    Status: OK
    Drive Type: Data Drive
    Interface Type: SAS
    Size: 73.5 GB
    Rotational Speed: 10000
    Firmware Revision: 0103
    Serial Number: B379P8C006RK
    Model: HP      DG072A9B7
    PHY Count: 2
    PHY Transfer Rate: Unknown, Unknown

    physicaldrive 2I:1:2
    Port: 2I
    Box: 1
    Bay: 2
    Status: Failed
    Drive Type: Data Drive
    Interface Type: SAS
    Size: 72 GB
    Rotational Speed: 15000
    Firmware Revision: HPD9
    Serial Number: D5A1PCA04SL01244
    Model: HP      EH0072FARUA
    PHY Count: 2
    PHY Transfer Rate: Unknown, Unknown

    Array: B
    Interface Type: SAS
    Unused Space: 0  MB
    Status: OK
    Array Type: Data

    Logical Drive: 2
    Size: 558.7 GB
    Fault Tolerance: RAID 5
    Heads: 255
    Sectors Per Track: 32
    Cylinders: 65535
    Strip Size: 64 KB
    Full Stripe Size: 128 KB
    Status: OK
    Caching:  Enabled
    Parity Initialization Status: Initialization Co
    Unique Identifier: 600508B10010503956574F305551
    Disk Name: \\.\PhysicalDrive1
    Mount Points: E:\ 558.7 GB
    Logical Drive Label: AF14FD12PAFGK0P9VWO0UQD007
    Drive Type: Data

    physicaldrive 1I:1:5
    Port: 1I
    Box: 1
    Bay: 5
    Status: OK
    Drive Type: Data Drive
    Interface Type: SAS
    Size: 300 GB
    Rotational Speed: 10000
    Firmware Revision: HPD4
    Serial Number: 3SE07QH300009923X1X3
    Model: HP      DG0300BALVP
    Current Temperature (C): 32
    Maximum Temperature (C): 45
    PHY Count: 2
    PHY Transfer Rate: Unknown, Unknown

    physicaldrive 2I:1:3
    Port: 2I
    Box: 1
    Bay: 3
    Status: OK
    Drive Type: Data Drive
    Interface Type: SAS
    Size: 300 GB
    Rotational Speed: 10000
    Firmware Revision: HPD4
    Serial Number: 3SE0AHVH00009924P8F3
    Model: HP      DG0300BALVP
    Current Temperature (C): 34
    Maximum Temperature (C): 47
    PHY Count: 2
    PHY Transfer Rate: Unknown, Unknown

    physicaldrive 2I:1:4
    Port: 2I
    Box: 1
    Bay: 4
    Status: OK
    Drive Type: Data Drive
    Interface Type: SAS
    Size: 300 GB
    Rotational Speed: 10000
    Firmware Revision: HPD4
    Serial Number: 3SE08NAK00009924KWD6
    Model: HP      DG0300BALVP
    Current Temperature (C): 35
    Maximum Temperature (C): 47
    PHY Count: 2
    PHY Transfer Rate: Unknown, Unknown





請參閱我的答案:Smart Array P400i Physical Drive failed after being paid for the tool download link for Windows 2008…

我正在專門尋找ctrl all show config.



 logicaldrive 1 (68.5 GB, RAID 1, Interim Recovery Mode)

 physicaldrive 2I:1:1 (port 2I:box 1:bay 1, SAS, 73.5 GB, OK)
 physicaldrive 2I:1:2 (port 2I:box 1:bay 2, SAS, 72 GB, Failed

您原來的 72GB 驅動器實際上大於72GB。如您所見,您的健康磁碟是 73.5GB 磁碟。HP 在產品生命週期內更換磁碟製造商,保持相同的備件編號。在這種情況下,發送給您的替換件是真正的 72GB 驅動器。重建肯定行不通。

唯一可以解決此問題的是相同或更大尺寸的物理驅動器。如果您在保修期內,只需將此輸出發送給 HP 並索要 146GB 磁碟。如果您不在保修期內,只需獲得 146GB 磁碟,它就會重建為“68.5 GB”RAID-1 成員。

另外,要求 10k RPM 146GB 磁碟。您的舊 72GB 磁碟是 10k RPM(很久以前就停止了該容量)。HP 的替代品是 15k RPM 驅動器。
