如何使用 Python 開始 hudson 工作?
我需要從 python 開始一個 hudson 工作,然後等待它完成。
此頁面建議使用 Python API,我在哪裡可以找到有關此的更多資訊?
這是我在 jython 中的解決方案:
from hudson.cli import CLI class Hudson(): def StartJob(self, server, port, jobname, waitForCompletion = False): args = ["-s", "http://%s:%s/hudson/" % (server, port), "build", jobname] if waitForCompletion: args.append("-s") CLI.main(args) if __name__ == "__main__": h = Hudson() h.StartJob("myhudsonserver", "8080", "my job name", False)
python API 與 json api 相同。唯一的區別是您在返回程式碼上執行 eval() 並獲得 python 對象,而不必呼叫 json 庫。
用純 python 回答你原來的問題,這就是我為我們的工作所做的(這被稱為送出後掛鉤)請注意,我們的 hudson 前面有 http auth,這使事情變得更加複雜。
import httplib import base64 TESTING = False def notify_hudson(repository,revision): username = 'XXX' password = 'XXX' server = "XXX" cmd = 'svnlook uuid %(repository)s' % locals() #we strip the \n at the end of the input uuid = os.popen(cmd).read().strip() cmd = 'svnlook changed --revision %(revision)s %(repository)s' % locals() body = os.popen(cmd).read() #we strip the \n at the end of the input base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password)).strip() headers = {"Content-Type":"text/plain", "charset":"UTF-8", "Authorization":"Basic %s" % base64string } path = "/subversion/%(uuid)s/notifyCommit?rev=%(revision)s" % locals() if not TESTING: conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(server) conn.request("POST",path,body,headers) response = conn.getresponse() conn.close() if response.status != 200: print >> sys.stderr, "The commit was successful!" print >> sys.stderr, "But there was a problem with the hudson post-commit hook" print >> sys.stderr, "Please report this to the devteam" print >> sys.stderr, "Http Status code %i" % response.status notify_hudson(repository,revision)