
使用 powershell ;從文件夾的給定位置,我想驗證並顯示特定文件類型的數量

  • March 16, 2015

從文件夾的給定位置使用 powershell 我想驗證並顯示各個文件夾的特定文件類型的數量。我嘗試使用該命令來計算文件夾中的文件數,我可以獲得指定位置中可用文件的總數。我試過這個:

Write-Host ( Get-ChildItem -filter '*cab' 'C:\Users\praveen\Desktop\Package _Sprint04\Sprint04\lfp\Niagara\hpgl2\win2k_xp_vista').Count

if (Get-Process | ?{ $Count  -eq "13"})
   Write-Host "Number of CAB files are right!"
   Write-Host "Incorrect!! number of CAB file"

Get-Process不會讓你到任何地方。將 分配Count給一個變數並測試該變數的值是否為 13:

$cabFileCount = (Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.cab" "C:\path\to\folder").Count
Write-Host $cabFileCount

if($cabFileCount -eq 13){
   # Success!
   Write-Host "$cabFileCount files found, perfect!"
} else {
   # Failure!
   Write-Host "$cabFileCount files found, incorrect!"

試試這個。您可以將任意數量的文件夾、文件類型和文件計數添加到 vairable $FoldersToCheck

# File to store log
$LogFile = '.\FileCount.log'

$FoldersToCheck = @(
       Path =  'C:\path\to\folder'
       FileType = '*.cab'
       FileCount = 13
       Path =  'C:\path\to\folder\subfolder'
       FileType = '*.txt'
       FileCount = 14
       Path =  'D:\path\to\some\other\folder'
       FileType = '*.log'
       FileCount = 15
   # ... etc, add more hashtables for other folders

$FoldersToCheck | ForEach-Object {
   $FileCount = (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $_.Path -Filter $_.FileType | Where-Object {!($_.PSIsContainer)}).Count
   if ($FileCount -eq $_.FileCount)
       $Result = "Success! Expected $($_.FileCount) file(s) of type $($_.FileType) in folder $($_.Path), found $FileCount files"
      $Result = "Failure! Expected $($_.FileCount) file(s) of type $($_.FileType) in folder $($_.Path), found $FileCount files"

   # Output result to file and pipeline
   $Result | Tee-Object -LiteralPath $LogFile


Success! Expected 13 file(s) of type *.cab in folder C:\path\to\folder, found 13 files
Failure! Expected 14 file(s) of type *.txt in folder C:\path\to\folder\subfolder, found 10 files
Failure! Expected 15 file(s) of type *.log in folder D:\path\to\some\other\folder, found 18 files
