

  • July 13, 2010
  • 我在印度
  • 有時我會導航到我所屬公司的門戶網站;這些在美國和加拿大
  • 截至今天下午,我無法導航到某些公司的門戶……儘管該網站已部署並且可以從第三方位置(美國以外和印度以外)的人員導航到。
  • 僅供參考,我在一個公司網站上執行了 ping -t,同時嘗試在 Chrome 中打開該網站 ** Chrome 出現 500 錯誤 ** Ping 返回“請求超時” ** 一位同事第三個位置報告說他能夠 ping 並導航到該站點[Math Processing Error]$$ $$,然後返回“請求超時”
  • I tried the same experiment on ** Result ** Chrome navigated to successfully ** Ping returned a ‘Request timed out’ ** Tracert got as far as [Math Processing Error]$$ $$, and then returned a ‘Request timed out’.

I’m flummmoxed.

  • What could be the possible reasons that a browser can navigate to a site, when PING and TRACERT fail?
  • When my colleague is able to navigate to a site over the internet, why should the site return a 500 to me?
  • What can I do to work around this problem? My call to helpdesk went unanswered.
  • Have you ever encountered a similar problem?

Keep in mind that PING & Tracert do not use the same protocols that http does:


So, I could ping a webserver, and a firewall sitting in the middle of the connection disallows ICMP, but allows TCP Port 80 (Default http).


You’re mixing your tests and your test results up. That’s the first problem.

While ping and tracert are good basic connectivity and path discovery tools, they’re not the correct tools for diagnosing web site connectivity issues. A 500 error clearly means that you’ve gotten to the web site but that the server has some problem. The fact that your colleague can get to the web site tells you almost nothing. The web server may be having an intermittent problem or it may be geographically dispersed and you’re hitting a cluster or server that’s having problems while your colleague is hitting a cluster or server that isn’t having problems.

As Josh stated a firewall may be configured to allow HTTP traffic to a particular host but it may not allow ICMP traffic to that same host, so the fact that your ping request times out tells you nothing about the status of that web server. The fact that your ping requests time out somewhere “in the middle” only means that those hosts don’t respond to ICMP requests and again, tells you nothing about why you can’t access the web site.

At the end of the day, the 500 error tells you all you need to know: you’re getting to the web site but the server is having some problem. The best you can do is to communicate this information to the party that’s responsible for the web site.
