使用 X 軸上的時間和 Y 軸上的值來製作正常時間序列圖表的明顯解決方案存在這樣一個問題,即在進入實際渲染之前需要大量的準備工作。它在概念上遠沒有莖葉圖那麼簡單。
我開始使用溫度,這些溫度都在 25-60 °C 範圍內,所以我可以簡單地複制一串
以創建一種它們的條形圖:$ cat temps2.txt | perl -pe 'print "*" x $_ . " ";' ******************************************** 44.0 *************************************************** 51.0 ******************************************* 43.0 ********************************************* 45.0 ************************************** 38.0 **************************************** 40.0 *********************************** 35.0 ************************************ 36.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************* 31.0 ******************************* 31.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************* 31.0 ************************************ 36.0 ******************************** 32.0 ************************************ 36.0 ******************************* 31.0 *********************************** 35.0 ************************************ 36.0 ************************************ 36.0 ********************************* 33.0 ******************************* 31.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************* 31.0 ********************************* 33.0 ******************************** 32.0 ******************************** 32.0 ************************************ 36.0
表示重複次數的變數添加一些算術操作即可。例如,每秒的平均處理器執行隊列長度(對我來說在 0-8 範圍內)可以乘以 10 以在輸出中顯示移位:
$ cat runq.txt | perl -pe 'print "*" x ($_ * 10) . " ";' 0 0 0 0 ******************** 2 ********** 1 ******************** 2 **************************************** 4 ****************************** 3 **************************************** 4 ****************************** 3 ****************************** 3 ******************** 2 ******************** 2 ********** 1 ********** 1 ********** 1 ************************************************************ 6 ********** 1 ********** 1 ********** 1 0 0
$ cat temps2.txt | ./ ---------------------------------------------------------------- X: 51.0 [ | * ] X: 43.0 [ * | ] X: 45.0 [ | ] X: 38.0 [ * | ] X: 40.0 [ * | ] X: 35.0 [ * | ] X: 36.0 [ * | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 31.0 [* | ] X: 31.0 [* | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 31.0 [* | ] X: 36.0 [ * ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 36.0 [ | ] X: 31.0 [ * | ] X: 35.0 [ *| ] X: 36.0 [ | ] X: 36.0 [ * ] X: 33.0 [ * | ] X: 31.0 [ * | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 31.0 [ * | ] X: 33.0 [ *| ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 32.0 [ * | ] X: 36.0 [ |* ] UPL=42.1 Xbar=35.2 LPL=28.2
#!/usr/bin/env perl use v5.26; use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw( min max ); my $max_width = 52; my $n = 0; my $xbar = 0; my $mrbar = 0; my $lpl; my $upl; sub print_values { print "\n"; printf "UPL=%.1f\n", $upl; printf "Xbar=%.1f\n", $xbar; printf "LPL=%.1f\n", $lpl; } $SIG{INT} = \&print_values; my $min_y; my $max_y; my $xprev; while (my $x = <>) { $n++; $xbar *= $n - 1; $xbar += $x; $xbar /= $n; if (defined($xprev)) { my $mr = abs ($x - $xprev); $mrbar *= $n - 2; $mrbar += $mr; $mrbar /= $n - 1; $lpl = $xbar - $mrbar * 2.66; $upl = $xbar + $mrbar * 2.66; my $space_changed; # If any point is about to be drawn outside of the screen space, expand # the space to include the currently drawn points and then some. if (min($lpl, $x) < $min_y or max($upl, $x) > $max_y) { my $min_diff = abs($min_y - min($lpl, $x)); my $max_diff = abs($max_y - max($upl, $x)); # Change min and max values in slightly larger steps to avoid # changing the space too often with a drifting process. $min_y -= $min_diff * 2; $max_y += $max_diff * 2; $space_changed = 1; } if ($min_y == $max_y) { $max_y = $min_y + 1; } my %screen_coords; $screen_coords{lpl} = $lpl; $screen_coords{upl} = $upl; $screen_coords{xbar} = $xbar; $screen_coords{x} = $x; # Transform the recorded values to the screen space. for my $coord (keys %screen_coords) { # Set offset to 0. $screen_coords{$coord} -= $min_y; # Divide by range to scale down to 0–1. $screen_coords{$coord} /= ($max_y - $min_y); # Scale up again to proper width. $screen_coords{$coord} *= ($max_width - 1); } # Render the recorded values into an array of characters. my @characters = split('', ' ' x $max_width); $characters[$screen_coords{xbar}] = '|'; $characters[$screen_coords{lpl}] = '['; $characters[$screen_coords{upl}] = ']'; $characters[$screen_coords{x}] = '*'; # Print a separator whenever the space needs to be expanded. if ($space_changed) { printf ('-' x ($max_width + 12) . "\n"); } printf "X: %7.1f %s\n", $x, join('', @characters); } else { $min_y = $x; $max_y = $x; } $xprev = $x; } print_values;