
AMD 24核伺服器記憶體頻寬

  • September 27, 2012

我需要一些幫助來確定我在伺服器上的 Linux 下看到的記憶體頻寬是否正常。這是伺服器規格:

HP ProLiant DL165 G7
2x AMD Opteron 6164 HE 12-Core
40 GB RAM (10 x 4GB DDR1333)
Debian 6.0


foo1:~# mbw -n 3 1024
Long uses 8 bytes. Allocating 2*134217728 elements = 2147483648 bytes of memory.
Using 262144 bytes as blocks for memcpy block copy test.
Getting down to business... Doing 3 runs per test.
0   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.58047    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 1764.082 MiB/s
1   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.58012    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 1765.152 MiB/s
2   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.58010    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 1765.201 MiB/s
AVG Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.58023    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 1764.811 MiB/s
0   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.36174    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2830.778 MiB/s
1   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.35869    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2854.817 MiB/s
2   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.35848    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2856.481 MiB/s
AVG Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.35964    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2847.310 MiB/s
0   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.23546    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 4348.860 MiB/s
1   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.23544    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 4349.230 MiB/s
2   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.23544    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 4349.359 MiB/s
AVG Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.23545    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 4349.149 MiB/s

在我的其他伺服器之一上(基於 Intel Xeon E3-1270):

foo2:~# mbw -n 3 1024
Long uses 8 bytes. Allocating 2*134217728 elements = 2147483648 bytes of memory.
Using 262144 bytes as blocks for memcpy block copy test.
Getting down to business... Doing 3 runs per test.
0   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.18960    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 5400.901 MiB/s
1   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.18922    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 5411.690 MiB/s
2   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.18944    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 5405.491 MiB/s
AVG Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.18942    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 5406.024 MiB/s
0   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.14838    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 6901.200 MiB/s
1   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.14818    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 6910.561 MiB/s
2   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.14820    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 6909.628 MiB/s
AVG Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.14825    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 6907.127 MiB/s
0   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.04362    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 23477.623 MiB/s
1   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.04262    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 24025.151 MiB/s
2   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.04258    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 24048.849 MiB/s
AVG Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.04294    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 23847.599 MiB/s


laptop:~$ mbw -n 3 1024
Long uses 8 bytes. Allocating 2*134217728 elements = 2147483648 bytes of memory.
Using 262144 bytes as blocks for memcpy block copy test.
Getting down to business... Doing 3 runs per test.
0   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.40566    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2524.269 MiB/s
1   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.38458    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2662.638 MiB/s
2   Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.38876    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2634.043 MiB/s
AVG Method: MEMCPY  Elapsed: 0.39300    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 2605.600 MiB/s
0   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.30707    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 3334.745 MiB/s
1   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.30425    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 3365.653 MiB/s
2   Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.30342    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 3374.849 MiB/s
AVG Method: DUMB    Elapsed: 0.30491    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 3358.328 MiB/s
0   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.07875    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 13003.670 MiB/s
1   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.08374    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 12228.034 MiB/s
2   Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.07635    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 13411.216 MiB/s
AVG Method: MCBLOCK Elapsed: 0.07961    MiB: 1024.00000 Copy: 12862.006 MiB/s

所以據mbw **我的筆記型電腦比伺服器快3倍!!!**請幫我解釋一下。我也嘗試安裝一個 ram 磁碟並使用 dd 對其進行基準測試,我得到了類似的差異,所以我認為這不是mbw罪魁禍首。

我檢查了 BIOS 設置,記憶體似乎在全速執行。根據託管公司的說法,這些模組都可以。

這可能與NUMA有關嗎?似乎在此伺服器上禁用了節點交錯。啟用它(從而關閉 NUMA)會有所不同嗎?

foo1:~# numactl --hardware
available: 4 nodes (0-3)
node 0 cpus: 0 1 2 3 4 5
node 0 size: 8190 MB
node 0 free: 7898 MB
node 1 cpus: 6 7 8 9 10 11
node 1 size: 12288 MB
node 1 free: 12073 MB
node 2 cpus: 18 19 20 21 22 23
node 2 size: 12288 MB
node 2 free: 12034 MB
node 3 cpus: 12 13 14 15 16 17
node 3 size: 8192 MB
node 3 free: 8032 MB
node distances:
node   0   1   2   3 
 0:  10  20  20  20 
 1:  20  10  20  20 
 2:  20  20  10  20 
 3:  20  20  20  10 


已禁用 NUMA(Linux 啟動時 numa=off)並在 BIOS 中禁用 ECC。沒有變化,仍然和上面一樣。

更新 2:




這些都是4GB 三星模組(元件號 M393B5270CH0-CH9)

我查看了有關如何在此伺服器中填充記憶體的 HP 文件,如果我理解正確,則目前位於 DIMM 12 中的模組應該已放置在 DIMM 3 插槽中。這樣的錯誤配置可以解釋我得到的結果嗎?

更新 3:

我現在移除了 2 個模組,以便在 1-4-7-10 中的每一側 (4-4) 獲得 4x4 GB。不幸的是,我沒有看到基準測試有任何差異。伺服器現在不應該能夠使用所有四個通道嗎?我也嘗試stream過多執行緒的基準測試,結果非常令人失望。我唯一能想到的就是要求託管公司更換整個伺服器……

更新 4:

當我昨天測試最後一個設置(32 GB)時,我一定做錯了,stream因為今天我看到了很好的結果:

foo1:~# ./stream
STREAM version $Revision: 5.9 $
This system uses 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word.
Array size = 2000000, Offset = 0
Total memory required = 45.8 MB.
Each test is run 10 times, but only
the *best* time for each is used.
Number of Threads requested = 24
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Printing one line per active thread....
Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 1 microseconds.
Each test below will take on the order of 703 microseconds.
  (= 703 clock ticks)
Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that
you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.
WARNING -- The above is only a rough guideline.
For best results, please be sure you know the
precision of your system timer.
Function      Rate (MB/s)   Avg time     Min time     Max time
Copy:       36873.0022       0.0009       0.0009       0.0010
Scale:      34699.5160       0.0009       0.0009       0.0010
Add:        30868.8427       0.0016       0.0016       0.0017
Triad:      25558.7904       0.0019       0.0019       0.0020
Solution Validates


所以問題一定是最後兩個 4GB 模組迫使伺服器以單通道模式執行,就像下面@chx 指出的那樣。現在唯一剩下的問題是是否可以使用 40 GB 並仍然獲得全部頻寬?我可以使用 2 x 8GB + 6 x 4GB 嗎?我將較大的模組放置在哪個通道中是否重要?

您通過每個 CPU 使用 5-5 個模組而不是 4-4 或 8-8 個模組來強制系統在單通道 (!) 模式下執行。這就是原因。嘗試刪除 1 - 1 並報告回來。

6164 是 G34 插槽 CPU,如果記憶體模組設置正確,它能夠進行四通道操作。您的設置是最糟糕的。
