
如何找出目前的 SGA 記憶體分佈?

  • November 12, 2014

如何獲取Oracle 10G 上目前的 SGA 記憶體分佈?


AME                                SIZE_MB RES
-------------------------------- ---------- ---
Maximum SGA Size                        396 No
Shared Pool Size                        320 Yes
Startup overhead in Shared Pool          32 No
Streams Pool Size                        32 Yes
Java Pool Size                           24 Yes
Buffer Cache Size                        16 Yes
Granule Size                              4 No
Redo Buffers                           2,79 No
Fixed SGA Size                         1,21 No
Free SGA Memory Available                 0
Large Pool Size                           0 Yes

我在Marko Sutic 的 Oracle 部落格上找到了這張表,但沒有提供此類資訊的查詢。

好像select * from v$sgainfo ;

如果您可以以 sysdba 身份連接,則可以使用以下查詢顯示隱藏參數。

  MEG    GIG PARAMETER                           DESCRIPTION
------ ------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
   .0     .0 __large_pool_size                   Actual size in bytes of large pool
   .0     .0 __streams_pool_size                 Actual size in bytes of streams pool
   .0     .0 __shared_io_pool_size               Actual size of shared IO pool
128.0     .1 __java_pool_size                    Actual size in bytes of java pool
512.0     .5 db_recycle_cache_size               Size of RECYCLE buffer pool for standard block size buffers
2336.0    2.3 __shared_pool_size                  Actual size in bytes of shared pool
3072.0    3.0 db_keep_cache_size                  Size of KEEP buffer pool for standard block size buffers
3808.0    3.7 __db_cache_size                     Actual size of DEFAULT buffer pool for standard block size buffer
6240.0    6.1 __sga_target                        Actual size of SGA
8192.0    8.0 __pga_aggregate_target              Current target size for the aggregate PGA memory consumed


SYS AS SYSDBA> SELECT i.instance_name instance,
 2  -- b.ksppstvl "Session_Value",
 3  c.ksppstvl value,c.ksppstvl/1024/1024 meg,c.ksppstvl/1024/1024/1024 gig,
 4  -- above is instance_value
 6  FROM
 7  x$ksppi a,
 8  x$ksppcv b,
 9  x$ksppsv c,
10  v$instance i
12  a.indx = b.indx
13  AND
14  a.indx = c.indx
15  AND
16  (a.ksppinm LIKE '/_/_%' escape '/' or a.ksppinm LIKE 'db_keep_cache_size' or a.ksppinm LIKE 'db_recycle_cache_size')
17  and a.ksppinm not in ('__oracle_base')
18  and c.ksppstvl not in ('TRUE','FALSE')
19  order by 3
20  /
