
Takeown 你沒有權限讀取目錄的內容

  • June 28, 2016


如果我通過 GUI 中的權限,它工作正常,但是如果我嘗試從命令行執行,我會收到一個錯誤,我無權讀取它:

takeown /s someserver /f "r:\redirected\flast\My Documents\Music\" /u domain\user /R

您無權讀取目錄“\someserver\r$\redirected\flast\My Documents\My Music”的內容。

Google 為我找到了這個部落格,這似乎表明您需要在/D [Y|N]問題中添加預設答案 ( ):


/D           prompt          Suppresses the confirmation prompt that is
                            displayed when the current user does not have 
                            the "List Folder" permission on a specified 
                            directory, and instead uses the specified 
                            default value.
                            Valid values for the /d option are as follows:
                                  Y: Take ownership of the directory.
                                  N: Skip the directory.
Note that you must use this option in conjunction with the /r option.

最大的警告是,使用takeown /R /D Y ... 將刪除現有的權限,這可能不是您想要或需要的……

