
Cisco ASA 5500——出站連接列表?

  • April 23, 2015

是否有命令或 GUI 選項來獲取出站連接列表。理想情況下,我想知道內部 IP 地址、外部 IP 地址和使用的遠端埠。


你可以試試sh conn…… 這顯示了活動連接。

asa# sh conn ?

 address        Enter this keyword to specify IP address
 all            Enter this keyword to show conns including to-the-box and
 count          Enter this keyword to show conn count only
 detail         Enter this keyword to show conn in detail
 long           Enter this keyword to show conn in long format
 port           Enter this keyword to specify port
 protocol       Enter this keyword to specify conn protocol
 state          Enter this keyword to specify conn state
 user           Enter this keyword to specify conn user
 user-group     Enter this keyword to specify conn user group
 user-identity  Enter this keyword to show user names
 |              Output modifiers
