
chkconfig 支持 linux 服務需要什麼?

  • August 26, 2017


chkconfig -add <servicename> 


service <servicename> does not support chkconfig

我正在使用 Red Hat Enterprise 4。我試圖在啟動時添加到自動啟動的腳本如下:


soffice_start() {   if [ -x /opt/openoffice.org2.4/program/soffice ]; then
       echo "Starting Open Office as a Service"
       #echo " soffice -headless -accept=socket,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager
-headless -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"
-nofirststartwizard &   else
       echo "Error: Could not find the soffice program. Cannot Start SOffice."   fi }

soffice_stop() {   if [ -x /usr/bin/killall ]; then
       echo "Stopping Openoffice"
       /usr/bin/killall soffice 2> /dev/null   else
       echo "Eroor: Could not find killall.  Cannot Stop soffice."   fi }

case "$1" in  'start')    soffice_start    ;;  'stop')    soffice_stop    sleep 2    ;;  'restart')    soffice_stop    sleep 5  soffice_start    ;;  *)    if [ -x /usr/bin/basename ]; then
       echo "usage: '/usr/bin/basename $0' start| stop| restart"    else
       echo "usage: $0 start|stop|restart"    fi esac

腳本必須有 2 行:

# chkconfig: <levels> <start> <stop>
# description: <some description>


# chkconfig: 345 99 01
# description: some startup script

345 - levels to configure
99 - startup order
01 - stop order

添加上述標題後,您可以執行chkconfig --add <service>.

雖然 katriel 已經用創建 init 腳本所需的最低限度來回答這個問題,但我認為您也可以很好地查看/etc/init.d/skeleton並使用它作為您的 init 腳本的模板。你最終會得到一個更加一致和可讀的腳本。
