
從 EC2 實例儲存中恢復數據

  • January 2, 2012

所以上週,EC2 上的一個實例停止響應,我仍然不知道確切原因,因為我無法再通過 SSH 進入,我懷疑安裝到另一個驅動器的 /tmp/ 目錄由於某種未知原因不再可訪問。


我仍然能夠在 AWS 控制台中提取日誌,這裡有一些非常相關的行(我仍然能夠重新啟動伺服器):

       Welcome to  CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
       Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
Use the --debug option to see the details of our search for an access method.
Setting clock : Thu Dec 29 13:52:43 EST 2011 [  OK  ]

Starting udev: [  OK  ]

Setting hostname localhost.localdomain:  [  OK  ]

No devices found
Setting up Logical Volume Management: File descriptor 7 (/sys/kernel/hotplug) leaked on lvm.static invocation. Parent PID 232: /bin/bash
[  OK  ]

Checking filesystems
Checking all file systems.
[/sbin/fsck.ext3 (1) -- /] fsck.ext3 -a /dev/sda1 
/dev/sda1: clean, 202786/1310720 files, 1428718/2621440 blocks
[  OK  ]

Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode:  [  OK  ]

Mounting local filesystems:  [  OK  ]

Enabling local filesystem quotas:  [  OK  ]

chown: cannot access `/tmp/.ICE-unix': No such file or directory
Enabling /etc/fstab swaps:  [  OK  ]

INIT: Entering runlevel: 4

Entering non-interactive startup
Starting background readahead: [  OK  ]

Bringing up loopback interface:  [  OK  ]

Bringing up interface eth0:  
Determining IP information for eth0...mktemp: cannot create temp file /tmp/wnt890: No such file or directory
/sbin/dhclient-script: line 57: $rscf: ambiguous redirect
/sbin/dhclient-script: line 62: $rscf: ambiguous redirect
/sbin/dhclient-script: line 69: $rscf: ambiguous redirect
[  OK  ]

Starting getsshkey:  /etc/rc4.d/S11getsshkey: line 12: /tmp/my-key: No such file or directory
getting ssh-key...
/etc/rc4.d/S11getsshkey: line 17: /tmp/my-key: No such file or directory
getting ssh-key...


[root@ip-xxxxxxxxx ~]# nmap -sS -P0 xxxxxxxxxxx

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2011-12-29 16:32 EST
Interesting ports on xxxxxx (xxxxxxxxx):
Not shown: 1675 filtered ports
22/tcp   closed ssh
25/tcp   closed smtp
80/tcp   closed http
443/tcp  closed https
8000/tcp closed http-alt


  1. 創建正在執行的 EC2 實例的快照
  2. 創建一個新實例。
  3. 將快照掛載為實例上的新 EBS 卷。
  4. 從快照中複製數據
  5. 殺死以前的和新的虛擬機實例。



當您無法訪問實例時,訪問和修復 EBS 根卷(例如,編輯 /etc/fstab)的基礎是:

  1. 停止原始實例 A 並分離卷。
  2. 啟動一個臨時實例 B,將捲附加到它,然後掛載該卷。
  3. 訪問實例 B 並修復附加/安裝卷上的文件。
  4. 解除安裝卷,將其與實例 B 分離,並終止臨時實例 B。
  5. 將捲附加回原始實例 A 並啟動實例 A。


在 EC2 實例的根 EBS 卷上修復文件

這僅適用於 EBS 啟動實例。我不建議執行 instance-store,因為它會使您陷入這種情況而無法恢復您的數據。
