
是否可以忽略 ssh 上的橫幅,但不能忽略登錄

  • December 18, 2017

眾所周知,我們可以/etc/motd在文件中或文件中輸入banner /etc/,這樣每一個登錄Linux機器的使用者都會收到banner資訊,例如:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.8 (Santiago)
Kernel \r on an \m
#                               Welcome to OBAMA house !!!
#                         All connections are monitored and recorded
#                Disconnect IMMEDIATELY if you are not an authorized user!

ssh問題是,當我們通過Linux 機器遠端登錄(而不是本地登錄)時,也會顯示橫幅。

我們可以通過使用以下標誌簡單地忽略 ssh 中的橫幅-q

ssh -q ls /hillary_emails 

事實上,我們有超過 100多個ssh使用.ssh``-q

由於內部原因,我們不想編輯腳本。所以我的問題是,是否可以更改 Linux 客戶端配置,使橫幅僅在本地登錄時顯示,而在遠端登錄時不顯示ssh


groupadd nobanner
usermod -a -G nobanner username

然後,您可以編輯 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 並添加以下內容:

Match Group nobanner
   banner "none"

然後,重新啟動 sshd 並測試它。

Match   Introduces a conditional block.  If all of the criteria on the Match 
       line are satisfied, the keywords on the following lines override those 
       set in the global section of the config file, until either another Match 
       line or the end of the file.

       The arguments to Match are one or more criteria-pattern pairs.  The 
       available criteria are User, Group, Host, and Address.  The match 
       patterns may consist of single entries or comma-separated lists and may 
       use the wildcard and negation operators described in the PATTERNS 
       section of ssh_config(5).
