
我怎樣才能使 svnlook 樹視圖只有 2 級?

  • May 29, 2011

我怎樣才能使svnlook tree視圖只有 2 級?

你的意思是你想要一個像命令這樣-L的選項嗎?tree似乎svnlook tree沒有這樣的選擇:

# svnlook help tree
tree: usage: svnlook tree REPOS_PATH [PATH_IN_REPOS]

Print the tree, starting at PATH_IN_REPOS (if supplied, at the root
of the tree otherwise), optionally showing node revision ids.

Valid options:
 -r [--revision] ARG      : specify revision number ARG
 -t [--transaction] ARG   : specify transaction name ARG
 -N [--non-recursive]     : operate on single directory only
 --show-ids               : show node revision ids for each path
 --full-paths             : show full paths instead of indenting them
