
如何確定誰(或什麼)阻止了對 centos 使用者帳戶的訪問?

  • August 13, 2012

CentOS 5.x

我的 CenTOS 伺服器上的使用者帳戶無法訪問,我不知道為什麼。

如果我跑步,chage -l foo我會看到:

Minimum:     0
Maximum:     0 
Warning:     5
Inactive     -1
Last Change:         July 17, 2012
Password Expires:     Never
Password Inactive:    Never
Account Expires:      Never

我不確定 -1 是什麼意思,但據我所知,根據其他設置,系統不應過期或自動鎖定。



更新:我檢查了 /var/log/secure ,我看到了:

Aug  9 07:11:14 foo sshd(pam_unix)[15122]: account foo has expired (failed to change password)
Aug 10 19:12:33 foo sshd(pam_unix)[900]: account foo has expired (failed to change password)


Aug 13 10:12:00 foo sshd(pam_unix)[23222]: password for user foo will expire in 0 days


我不確定 -1 是什麼意思

**man chage**說:

  -I, --inactive INACTIVE
      Set the number of days of inactivity after a password has expired before the account is locked. The
      INACTIVE option is the number of days of inactivity. A user whose account is locked must contact the
      system administrator before being able to use the system again.

      Passing the number -1 as the INACTIVE will remove an account's inactivity.

更新星期一 8 月 13 日 23:02:37 ICT 2012

account foo has expired (failed to change password)


password for user foo will expire in 0 days


這就是為什麼你會看到Inactive -1when running chage -l foo。該foo帳戶將在到期後立即停用。

如果您設置--inactive為不同於 的值-1,則該foo帳戶有機會進行“寬限登錄”以更改其密碼。
