
編輯 Exim 的橫幅

  • October 25, 2012

有沒有辦法將 EXIM smtp 橫幅放在 1 行而不是 3 行?橫幅以 220 開頭。我一直在尋找,但找不到方法。

在 /etc/exim.conf 我有

#todd host's
smtp_banner = "${primary_hostname} ESMTP Exim ${version_number} \
\#${compile_number} ${tod_full} \n\
 We do not authorize the use of this system to transport unsolicited, \n\
 and/or bulk e-mail."


上面的評論者是正確的,它是在你的橫幅中添加換行符的“\n”。引用 smtp_banner 的exim_docs定義:

This string, which is expanded every time it is used, is output as the
initial positive response to an SMTP connection. The default setting is:

smtp_banner = $smtp_active_hostname ESMTP Exim \
 $version_number $tod_full

Failure to expand the string causes a panic error. If you want to create
a multiline response to the initial SMTP connection, use “\n” in the
string at appropriate points, but not at the end.
