
dnsmasq 客戶端 TTL

  • November 29, 2012

我的主機文件不斷變化的情況。因此,我不希望客戶端記憶體使用主機文件解析的 IP 地址。這是為我啟動 dnsmasq 的命令:

/usr/sbin/dnsmasq -K -R -y -Z -b -E -S -l /tmp/dhcp.leases -r /tmp/ --stop-dns-rebind --rebind-localhost-ok --dhcp-range=lan,,,,12h -2 eth0

在看這個網站:http ://

我看到 -T 選項有這樣的描述:

-T, --local-ttl=<time>
When replying with information from /etc/hosts or the DHCP leases file
dnsmasq by default sets the time-to-live field to zero, meaning that 
the requester should not itself cache the information. This is the 
correct thing to do in almost all situations. This option allows a 
time-to-live (in seconds) to be given for these replies. This will 
reduce the load on the server at the expense of clients using stale 
data under some circumstances.

我的命令沒有 -T 選項。我需要它還是沒有它 dnsmasq 預設 TTL 為零?


您還可以設置一個--max-ttl標誌來指示傳遞回客戶端以進行遞歸請求的最大 TTL 值。
