
Centos 5.4 無法啟動

  • February 19, 2017

我在一個centos伺服器上有三個磁碟,但它成功啟動了,我根本沒有grub。我嘗試用super grub安裝grub並用rescatux修復系統但徒勞無功。有沒有辦法啟動到centos?這裡是報告

============================= Boot Info Summary: ===============================

=> install-mbr/Testdisk is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda.
=> Lilo is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb.
=> Grub2 (v1.97-1.98) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdc and looks at sector 
   1 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and 
   looks for (md/0)/boot/grub on this drive.
=> Syslinux MBR (5.00 and higher) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdd.

sda1: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sda2: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       swap
   Boot sector type:  Unknown
   Boot sector info: 

sda3: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
   Boot files:        /etc/fstab

sdb1: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdb2: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdb3: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdc1: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdc2: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdc3: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       ext3
   Boot sector type:  -
   Boot sector info: 
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        

sdd1: __________________________________________________________________________

   File system:       vfat
   Boot sector type:  SYSLINUX 6.03 2014-10-06................................................2....0............A20 gate n
   Boot sector info:  Syslinux looks at sector 32832 of /dev/sdd1 for its 
                      second stage. SYSLINUX is installed in the /multiboot 
                      directory. No errors found in the Boot Parameter Block.
   Operating System:  
   Boot files:        /multiboot/rescatux-0.40b11/efi/boot/bootia32.efi 

============================ Drive/Partition Info: =============================

Drive: sda 

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