CentOS 7 中的 IPv6 配置選項是什麼意思?
在 CentOS 上手動配置網路介面(我正在嘗試配置僅 IPv6 的主機)時,以下設置的確切含義是什麼?
從 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
IPV6INIT=yes # I assume this just enables IPv6 networking on this interface? IPV6_AUTOCONF=no # Does this disable SLAAC? IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL=no # ? IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=no # Something to do with IPv6 not working not being an issue? IPV6_DEFROUTE=yes # ? IPV6_PEERDNS=yes # Does this mean we use the default gateway for DNS queries? IPV6_PEERROUTES=yes # Same as above? IPV6ADDR=1::2/64 # This is obviously the IPv6 address and subnet mask IPV6_DEFAULTGW=1::1 # This is obviously the default gateway
同樣對於 IPv4 的設置
感謝偉大的連結,雖然我真的在回答我指定的那些 IPv6 選項的含義,而不是連結到它們的含義,因為這些連結可能會遭受連結腐爛。
IPV6ADDR #<addr/mask> - Where address is the first static, or primary, IPv6 address on an interface. IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES #<addr/mask> Option additional addresses . IPV6_AUTOCONF #<yes/no> - Enable IPv6 autoconf configuration for this interface (an IPv6 address will be requested using Neighbor Discovery (ND)). IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL #<yes/no> - Control IPv6 automatic tunneling (device sit0) IPV6_DEFAULTGW #<addr> - IPv6 default gateway IPV6_DEFROUTE #Does option even exist? IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL #<yes/no> - Whether the device is disabled if IPv6 configuration fails. IPV6FORWARDING #<yes/no>- Control IPv6 forwarding (box acting as router). IPV6INIT #<yes/no> - Initialize this interface for IPv6 addressing. IPV6_MTU #<integer> IPv6 MTU for this link. IPV6_PEERDNS #<yes/no> - Does this option exist? I assume it does the same as the IPv6 version? IPV6_ROUTER #<yes/no> - Control sending of router advertisements and isRouter on neigbor advertisements. # defaults: # IPV6_AUTOCONF=(see IPV6FORWARDING) # IPV6_AUTOTUNNEL=no # IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=??? # IPV6FORWARDING=no # if IPV6FORWARDING=yes: IPV6_AUTOCONF=no, IPV6_ROUTER=yes # if IPV6FORWARDING=no: IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes # IPV6INIT=no # IPV6_PEERDNS=??? # IPV6_ROUTER=(see IPV6FORWARDING)
cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ipv6