
IPSEC 配置 - 寫入套接字時出錯:不允許操作

  • March 16, 2018

您好,我正在嘗試第一次設置 IPSEC,但遇到了問題。我認為在第一階段有些問題,但我似乎無法真正弄清楚為什麼我在日誌中有這些:

Feb  2 12:47:59 15[NET] <xxxx|1> sending packet: from ourip[500] to destip[500] (976 bytes)
Feb  2 12:47:59 09[NET] sending packet: from ourip[500] to destip[500]
Feb  2 12:47:59 09[NET] error writing to socket: Operation not permitted
Feb  2 12:47:59 02[JOB] next event in 3s 999ms, waiting
Feb  2 12:47:59 15[MGR] <xxxx|1> checkin IKE_SA xxxx[1]
Feb  2 12:47:59 15[MGR] <xxxx|1> check-in of IKE_SA successful.
Feb  2 12:48:03 02[JOB] got event, queuing job for execution
Feb  2 12:48:03 02[JOB] no events, waiting
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[MGR] checkout IKE_SA
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[MGR] IKE_SA xxxx[1] successfully checked out
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[IKE] <xxxx|1> retransmit 1 of request with message ID 0
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[NET] <xxxx|1> sending packet: from ourip[500] to destip[500] (976 bytes)
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[MGR] <xxxx|1> checkin IKE_SA xxxx[1]
Feb  2 12:48:03 08[MGR] <xxxx|1> check-in of IKE_SA successful.
Feb  2 12:48:03 09[NET] sending packet: from ourip[500] to destip[500]
Feb  2 12:48:03 09[NET] error writing to socket: Operation not permitted



