
在 lighttpd 中將 HTTPS 請求重定向到 http

  • November 20, 2012

我正在執行一個安裝了 SSL 證書的 lighttpd 伺服器。由於某些原因,我想轉發所有 https://www. 請求 http://www.

我的 lighttpd 程式碼如下所示:

$SERVER["socket"] == ":443"
  ssl.engine = "enable"
  ssl.pemfile = "/path/to/pem/file" = "/path/to/ca/file"
  HTTP["host"] =~ "^www\.(.*)$" {
      url.redirect = ("^/(.*)" => "http://www.%1$1")

你能在這裡指出問題嗎。另一件事, %1 和 $1 有什麼區別?


$HTTP["scheme"] == "https" {
       $HTTP["host"] =~ "" {
               url.redirect = ( "^/(.*)" => "$1" )

但要小心,有些瀏覽器會記住網站使用https. https因此,無論發送網路伺服器的重定向如何,它都會嘗試訪問該版本。我已經嘗試過這種情況,Firefox / Chrome 告訴我我的網站進入了無限重定向循環。但是當我捲曲我的網站時https,我得到了 301 到http. 並在http200 上。



Note that the “%1” in the url.redirect target refers to the parenthesized subexpression in the conditional regexp (.*). It does not necessarily have the meaning that “%1” would have in evhost.path-pattern (where it would mean ’top-level domain’). If url.redirect is specified within a regex conditional, % patterns are replaced by the corresponding groups from the condition regex. %1 is replaced with the first subexpression, %2 with the second, etc. %0 is replaced by the entire substring matching the regexp. See above and below for examples using % patterns.
