
iperf 如何計算吞吐量和抖動?

  • June 11, 2012

我讀過 iperf 基本上會嘗試盡可能快地通過連接發送盡可能多的資訊來報告所達到的吞吐量。該工具在確定兩台機器之間的連結可以提供的數據量時特別有用。



那麼誰能告訴我 iperf 如何計算這兩個值?


我不相信,至少不使用 iperf。如果您可以使用 pcap/tcpdump/wireshark 擷取真實數據,那麼您應該可以使用 wireshark 來確定抖動。

我懷疑 iperf 使用RFC 3550中為 RTP 協議定義的公式計算抖動。您可能需要深入了解來源才能確定。

 If Si is the RTP timestamp from packet i, and Ri is the time of
 arrival in RTP timestamp units for packet i, then for two packets
 i and j, D may be expressed as

    D(i,j) = (Rj - Ri) - (Sj - Si) = (Rj - Sj) - (Ri - Si)

 The interarrival jitter SHOULD be calculated continuously as each
 data packet i is received from source SSRC_n, using this
 difference D for that packet and the previous packet i-1 in order
 of arrival (not necessarily in sequence), according to the formula

    J(i) = J(i-1) + (|D(i-1,i)| - J(i-1))/16

 Whenever a reception report is issued, the current value of J is

 The jitter calculation MUST conform to the formula specified here
 in order to allow profile-independent monitors to make valid
 interpretations of reports coming from different implementations.
