
在 32 位模式下切換 IIS6 後所有站點都關閉

  • September 16, 2010

我最近將 IIS6 切換到 32 位模式,但我的網站(框架 2.0 和 4.0)現在都沒有執行。它說“服務不可用”

這是我所做的:按照以下步驟操作:http: //support.microsoft.com/kb/934162 Any help?

Answer: (1) Convert the 64bit w2k3 to 32 using above article. (2) aspnet_regiis -i for .net 2.0 and 4.0 both (3) restart (4) you will notice website properties in IIS will not have ASP.NET TAB (5) download iis6 utility to change .net framework version (6) configure reporting server and set the websites for the same to asp.net 2.0 (7) all is done well and working fine

`Do you have an ISAPI Filter or other module that references a 64-bit DLL? That’s the most likely cause. Try pulling out all of your filters and handlers to get a good test page. You can also create a new app pool and create a simple ‘hello world’ page to confirm that it’s not something at the server level. Then start adding back parts until you narrow down the cause.

If you haven’t already, check Event Viewer for clues too.`
