
從 Lotus Domino 8.5.1 升級到 8.5.2 - 非常需要幫助

  • June 14, 2011

我們正在嘗試將開發伺服器從 Lotus Domino 8.5.1 升級到 8.5.2。我已經嘗試了幾種方法,每次完成後我都找不到伺服器。我們的開發設置是這樣的,我們有一個複制伺服器(Domino 6.5),並且每個伺服器都安裝為一個獨立的命中複製。我試過了

  • 解除安裝 8.5.1 並安裝 8.5.2。我保持數據目錄完好無損並使用相同的 文件
  • 只需在 8.5.1 上安裝 8.5.2
  • 擦除整個 8.5.1,包括數據目錄和本地 ID 文件並安裝 8.5.2


Unable to find patch to server. Check that your network connection is working.  
If you have a working connection, go to Preferences - Notes Ports and click 
Trace to discover where it breaks down.  



Determining path to server DomBlackBerry/domain 
Available Ports:  TCPIP LAN0
Checking normal priority connection documents only...
Allowing wild card connection documents...
Enabling name service requests and probes...
Checking for DomBlackBerry/domain on TCPIP using address 'DomBlackBerry'
Unable to connect to DomBlackBerry/domain on TCPIP (The server is not responding. The server may be down or you may be experiencing network problems. Contact your system administrator if this problem persists.)
Checking for DomBlackBerry/domain on LAN0 using address 'DomBlackBerry'
Unable to connect to DomBlackBerry/domain on LAN0 (Remote system not responding)
Checking low and normal priority connection documents...
No default passthru server defined
Unable to find any path to DomBlackBerry/domain because
Unable to find path to server. Check that your network connection is working. If you have a working connection, go to Preferences - Notes Ports and click Trace to discover where it breaks down.  


Determining path to server DomBlackBerry/domain 
Available Ports:  TCPIP LAN0
Checking normal priority connection documents only...
Allowing wild card connection documents...
Enabling name service requests and probes...
Checking for DomBlackBerry/domain on TCPIP using address 'DomBlackBerry'
Unable to connect to DomBlackBerry/domain on TCPIP (The server is not responding. The server may be down or you may be experiencing network problems. Contact your system administrator if this problem persists.)
Checking for DomBlackBerry/domain on LAN0 using address 'DomBlackBerry'
Unable to connect to DomBlackBerry/domain on LAN0 (Remote system not responding)
Checking low and normal priority connection documents...
No default passthru server defined
Unable to find any path to DomBlackBerry/domain because 
Unable to find path to server. Check that your network connection is working. If you have a working connection, go to Preferences - Notes Ports and click Trace to discover where it breaks down.

我還安裝了 BES。在 8.5.1 中一切正常。誰能指出我該做什麼的正確方向?誠然,我不是伺服器管理員,但是以前這樣做的人已經不在了,所以我必須弄清楚。


如果我在跟踪中打開驅動程序錯誤,我會得到以下資訊:DNS 返回地址

[wrong IP here] for DomBlackberry. 

伺服器已移動到具有新 IP 的新位置,看起來 DNS 需要更新
