
如何判斷哪個本地分支正在跟踪 Git 中的哪個遠端分支?

  • June 1, 2016

我想知道是否有辦法告訴哪個本地分支正在跟踪 Git 中的哪個遠端分支。


使用我從 上的上游 Git 儲存庫中籤出的 Puppet 副本的範例…

$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
 Fetch URL: git://
 Push  URL: git://
 HEAD branch: master
 Remote branches:
   0.24.x                 tracked
   0.25.x                 tracked
   2.6.x                  tracked
   master                 tracked
   next                   tracked
   primordial-ooze        tracked
   reins-on-a-horse       tracked
   testing                tracked
   testing-17-march       tracked
   testing-18-march       tracked
   testing-2-april        tracked
   testing-2-april-midday tracked
   testing-20-march       tracked
   testing-21-march       tracked
   testing-24-march       tracked
   testing-26-march       tracked
   testing-29-march       tracked
   testing-31-march       tracked
   testing-5-april        tracked
   testing-9-april        tracked
   testing4268            tracked
 Local branch configured for 'git pull':
   master merges with remote master
 Local ref configured for 'git push':
   master pushes to master (up to date)


$ git checkout -b local_2.6 -t origin/2.6.x 
Branch local_2.6 set up to track remote branch 2.6.x from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'local_2.6'

最後再次重新執行git remote show origin命令,我將在底部附近看到以下內容:

 Local branches configured for 'git pull':
   local_2.6 merges with remote 2.6.x
   master    merges with remote master
