
Exchange 2010 安裝在集線器傳輸角色上失敗

  • May 8, 2017

我正在使用現有的 07 安裝將 Exchange 2010 安裝到 a/d 中

  1. 我在 64 位伺服器上
  2. 視窗 2008 R2
  3. 8GB 記憶體
  4. 在 sties 和 services 中配置了所有正確的子網
  5. 所有域都提升到伺服器 2008 功能級別。
  6. 以域管理員身份登錄(架構管理員、企業管理員等)
  7. 範圍設置/PrepareSchema,設置/PrepareAD,設置/PrepareDomain,沒有錯誤
  8. DCDIAG /A 和 DCDIAG /E 未顯示錯誤
  9. 所有準備檢查都安全通過,沒有問題
  10. 仔細檢查所有先決條件

我讓它自動安裝 Exchange 2010 所需的角色


每當 Exchange 2010 安裝達到“集線器傳輸”角色時,它會不斷增加超時,然後無法啟動服務。失敗後,我可以手動啟動服務。


[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0006] [1] Processing component 'Active Directory Topology Service Configuration' (Configuring Microsoft Exchange Active Directory Topology service).

[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0006] [1] Executing: 
         if ($exsSid -eq $null -or $exsSid -eq "")
         $exsSid = get-ExchangeServerGroupSID -DomainController $RoleDomainController
         start-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeADTopology -ServiceParameters $exsSid,$RoleDomainController

[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0006] [2] Active Directory session settings for 'start-SetupService' are: View Entire Forest: 'True', Configuration Domain Controller: 'WIN2K8DC1.JEWELS.LOCAL', Preferred Global Catalog: 'WIN2K8DC1.JEWELS.LOCAL', Preferred Domain Controllers: '{ WIN2K8DC1.JEWELS.LOCAL }'

[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0006] [2] Beginning processing start-setupservice -ServiceName:'MSExchangeADTopology' -ServiceParameters:'S-1-5-21-2134851818-3285922005-2538191131-3616','WIN2K8DC1.JEWELS.LOCAL'

[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0037] [2] Service checkpoint has progressed. Previous checkpoint='0' - Current checkpoint='1'.

[03/17/2011 18:18:56.0037] [2] Will wait '30000' milliseconds for the service 'MSExchangeADTopology' to reach status 'Running'.

[03/17/2011 18:19:26.0270] [2] Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server after waiting for '30000' milliseconds.

[03/17/2011 18:19:26.0270] [2] Service checkpoint has progressed. Previous checkpoint='1' - Current checkpoint='2'.

[03/17/2011 18:19:26.0270] [2] Will wait '1250000' milliseconds for the service 'MSExchangeADTopology' to reach status 'Running'.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server after waiting for '1250000' milliseconds.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] Service Control Manager reports no process ID for service MSExchangeADTopology.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] Unable to get the process ID for service MSExchangeADTopology because another similar process 0 was found

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] [ERROR] Unexpected Error

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] [ERROR] Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [2] Ending processing start-setupservice

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [1] The following 1 error(s) occurred during task execution:

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0425] [1] 0.  ErrorRecord: 
Microsoft.Exchange.Configuration.Tasks.ServiceDidNotReachStatusException: Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.
[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0441] [1] [ERROR] The following error was generated when "$error.Clear(); 
         if ($exsSid -eq $null -or $exsSid -eq "")
         $exsSid = get-ExchangeServerGroupSID -DomainController $RoleDomainController
         start-setupservice -ServiceName MSExchangeADTopology -ServiceParameters $exsSid,$RoleDomainController
       " was run: "Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.".

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0441] [1] [ERROR] Service 'MSExchangeADTopology' failed to reach status 'Running' on this server.

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0441] [1] [ERROR-REFERENCE] Id=AllADRolesCommonServiceControl___e95681b135f04f6ca85c706536bfbeed Component=EXCHANGE14:\Current\Release\Shared\Datacenter\Setup

[03/17/2011 18:40:16.0441] [1] Setup is stopping now because of one or more critical errors.



  1. 所有 IPv6 適配器均已禁用。在 NIC 上啟用 IPV6 修復了它。
  2. 伺服器不在 Exchange Domain Servers 組中

確保這兩個都正常後,您需要刪除其中的 Watermark 和 Action 條目HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\v8.0\Hub Transport並重新啟動,然後再次嘗試設置:


我今天將交換 2007 遷移到 2016。路徑是 2007 –> 2010 –> 2016。

我遇到了完全相同的問題,所以我比較了 2007 伺服器和 2010 伺服器的組成員身份。我發現 2007 在“Exchange Enterprise Servers”組中,但不在“Exchange Domain Servers”組中。此外,“Exchange Domain Servers”是“Exchange Enterprise Servers”組的成員。

因此,將 exchange2010 添加到“Exchange Domain Servers”組也將繼承“Exchange Enterprise Servers”組的權限。不知何故,exchange2007 不需要在“Exchange Domain Servers”組中,但已經執行了 10 年沒有任何問題。
