
Exchange Server 2007 失去郵箱和通訊組

  • December 21, 2013

我之前在使用 Exchange 2007 伺服器時遇到了一些問題,導致它無法連接到我們的域控制器。

我設法得到的是連接到域控制器,我現在可以登錄並查看我的電子郵件。但是,在 Exchange Server 而不是域控制器上創建的任何使用者現在都失去了他們的郵箱。同樣,創建的任何通訊組也失去了。



如果失去郵箱的使用者嘗試登錄 OWA,則會收到與此類似的錯誤:

Outlook Web Access could not find a mailbox for S-1-5-21-4025249410-3730884854-1808593348-1187. If the problem continues, contact technical support for your organization and tell them the following: The mailbox may be stored on a Microsoft Exchange 2000 or Microsoft Exchange 2003 server, or the Active Directory user account was created recently and has not yet replicated to the Active Directory site where this Client Access server is hosted.


dcdiag.exe 顯示大量錯誤 - 我正在努力找出複制錯誤的來源/來源:

Warning: EXCHANGE01 is not advertising as a time server.

......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Advertising

There are warning or error events within the last 24 hours after the

SYSVOL has been shared.  Failing SYSVOL replication problems may cause

Group Policy problems. 
......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test DFSREvent

A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000785

   Time Generated: 02/17/2013   17:59:39

   Event String:

   The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed. 

A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000785

   Time Generated: 02/17/2013   17:59:39

   Event String:

   The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed. 

A warning event occurred.  EventID: 0x80000785

   Time Generated: 02/17/2013   17:59:39

   Event String:

   The attempt to establish a replication link for the following writable directory partition failed. 

[CARBON] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error -2146893022,

The target principal name is incorrect..
Warning: CARBON is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC


[CARBON] LDAP bind failed with error 8341,

A directory service error has occurred..
Warning: CARBON is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to LDAP


Warning: CARBON is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC


Warning: CARBON is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to LDAP


Warning: CARBON is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC


Warning: CARBON is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.

Warning: CARBON is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC


Warning: CARBON is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.

Warning: CARBON is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not

responding to DS RPC Bind.

Warning: CARBON is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not

responding to LDAP Bind.

......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test KnowsOfRoleHolders

......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Replications

......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test RidManager

   w32time Service is stopped on [EXCHANGE01]

......................... EXCHANGE01 failed test Services

由於某種原因,您的 Exchange 伺服器也是 DC,對吧?我認為這就是您的問題所在:IIRC 一旦您將 Exchange 放在 DC 上,Exchange 就會綁定到它在同一系統上共享的 DC 角色。如果此 DC 無法正常工作,則依賴該 DC 正常工作的任何服務(例如 Exchange)都會出現問題。

**無論哪種方式,我都建議 DCDiag 輸出肯定指向一個更普遍的連接問題,在您過分擔心 Exchange 之前需要解決該問題。**在考慮其他任何事情之前,您需要解決這台機器上 DC 角色的任何問題,因為在這一切正確之前,您無法開始評估您可能遇到的任何進一步問題的真正影響。

查看您的 DCDiag 輸出,並假設您已經完成了基本連接的正常測試,我想知道您是否遇到了 DNS 問題:

檢查每個系統的 TCP/IP 設置是否配置正確 - DC 不應該僅僅指向自己的 DNS。

如果一個或多個 DC(我特別想是 Exchange 伺服器,但檢查所有 DC)是雙宿主的(不止一個網卡),那麼檢查該 DC 的 DNS 資訊是否被弄亂 - 它可能使用錯誤的 IP 地址在 DNS 中註冊,這將阻止一切正常工作。解決這個問題,然後看看你在哪裡。

如果還不行,那麼可能是時候回去檢查所有連接的基礎知識了。你之前的問題是什麼?你做了什麼來解決它們?DC 之間是否有可能導致連接問題的防火牆(包括 DC 上的本地防火牆)?

我還要補充一點,除非 DC 問題很容易或很明顯可以解決,或者如果解決它們並不能顯著改善 Exchange 情況,那麼這將是聯繫 Microsoft PSS 的好時機——尤其是如果您沒有此 Exchange 伺服器的已知良好備份。
