
將客戶端電腦添加到 Active Directory 域控制器

  • June 15, 2017

在將客戶端電腦添加到域控制器時遇到了一個地獄般的問題後,我按照我在此站點上獲得的答案並將我的伺服器的 IP 地址用作客戶端電腦上的首選 DNS。然後我繼續從客戶端電腦 ping 伺服器,ping方法是 192168.0.140 是伺服器的 IP 地址並且伺服器正確響應。但是,如果我通過這樣做從客戶端 ping 伺服器的域名ping,我會收到一條錯誤消息ping request could not find host。我試圖繼續將客戶端添加到域,但我一直遇到這個錯誤

An active directory domain controller could not be contacted.


DNS was successfully queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain "":

The query was for the SRV record for

The following domain controllers were identified by the query:

However no domain controllers could be contacted.

Common causes of this error include:

- Host (A) or (AAAA) records that map the names of the domain controllers to their IP addresses are missing or contain incorrect addresses.

- Domain controllers registered in DNS are not connected to the network or are not running. 

請問我該如何解決這個問題,以便我可以成功地將客戶端添加到域。PS我有一個DNS伺服器在windows server 2012 R2上執行。

  1. 您的 DNS 伺服器也是 AD 控制器嗎?如果不是,則根本不應該指向它進行 DNS 解析。確保您的 DNS 伺服器具有域控制器的記錄,並且您可以按名稱而不是地址和域名 ping 它。
  2. 在域控制器上,進入伺服器管理器。驗證頂部的小通知區域中沒有錯誤。如果此伺服器已添加到現有域並且 SYSVOL 文件夾尚未完全複製,則它不會“將自己宣傳為域控制器”並且會導致此類問題。
