
Perc 電池顯示為失去

  • January 23, 2014

我更換了 Perc 5/i 中的故障電池。原件和替換件是相同的 DLU8735 型號。我在手冊中找不到任何特殊的電池更換程序,所以我只是關閉了系統並更換了它們。安裝替換電池後,GetBbuStatus開始顯示電池失去。GetBbuCapacityInfo顯示它正在充電,所以我認為這可能需要在使用電池之前完成。但是,它現在已 100% 收費,但仍報告為失去。我想也許我需要強制一個學習週期,但這會立即完成,狀態沒有變化。系統已過保修期,所以我無法致電戴爾。關於為什麼看到這種電池尚未使用的任何想法?

lspci | grep RAID

02:0e.0 RAID bus controller: Dell PowerEdge Expandable RAID controller 5

MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -BbuLearn -aALL

Adapter 0: BBU Learn Succeeded.

Exit Code: 0x00

MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuStatus -aALL

BBU status for Adapter: 0

BatteryType: No Battery
Battery State: Missing

Exit Code: 0x00

MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuCapacityInfo -aALL

BBU Capacity Info for Adapter: 0

  Relative State of Charge: 100 %
  Absolute State of charge: 100 %
  Remaining Capacity: 1897 mAh
  Full Charge Capacity: 1900 mAh
  Run time to empty: Battery is not being charged.  
  Average time to empty: Battery is not being charged.  
  Estimated Time to full recharge: Battery is not being charged.  
  Cycle Count: 0
Max Error = 0 %
Remaining Capacity Alarm = 190 mAh
Remining Time Alarm = 10 Min

Exit Code: 0x00

MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuDesignInfo -aALL

BBU Design Info for Adapter: 0

  Date of Manufacture: 11/15, 2007
  Design Capacity: 1900 mAh
  Design Voltage: 3700 mV
  Specification Info: 49
  Serial Number: 4471
  Pack Stat Configuration: 0xe4bc
  Manufacture Name: SANYO
  Firmware Version   : 
  Device Name: DLU8735
  Device Chemistry: LION
  Battery FRU: N/A
  Transparent Learn = 0
  App Data = 0

Exit Code: 0x00

MegaCli64 -AdpBbuCmd -GetBbuProperties -aALL

BBU Properties for Adapter: 0

  Auto Learn Period: 90 Days
  Next Learn time: Sat Jan  1 00:00:00 2000
  Learn Delay Interval:0 Hours
  Auto-Learn Mode: Enabled

Exit Code: 0x00

聽起來你的連接不好。其他人在用壓縮空氣吹滅 RAID 電池插頭和插座後報告了成功。

如果這不起作用,您將需要嘗試更換 PERC 5/i(在 2014 年初,在良好使用狀態下的成本不到 20 美元)和/或嘗試使用另一塊電池。
