
Dell Poweredge R710“需要係統服務更新”

  • July 2, 2020

我們剛買了一台翻新的 R710,在嘗試啟動系統服務時,它說系統服務已禁用,因此我們啟動了 iDRAC6 配置實用程序並啟用了系統服務。現在,當我們嘗試重新啟動並再次進入系統服務時,它顯示“需要更新系統服務”,據我所知,更新韌體的唯一方法是使用系統服務中的實用程序。我們應該怎麼做?我相信有一種方法可以通過作業系統來做到這一點,但這是我們最後的手段,因為我們沒有 USB 驅動器來放置作業系統映像。

您可以直接通過 iDRAC 更新單個組件韌體。

iDRAC6 是舊的,但它似乎支持這樣做。

請逐步查看該文件;Dell PowerEdge:使用 iDRAC 遠端更新單個系統組件的韌體

有關 iDRAC8+ 的資訊,它看起來是這樣的;

Go to Overview > iDRAC Settings > Update and Rollback. The Firmware Update page is displayed.

On the Update tab, select Local as the File Location.

Click Browse, select the firmware image file for the required component, and then click Upload.

After the upload is complete, the Update Details section displays each firmware file that is uploaded to iDRAC and its status.
If the firmware image file is valid and was successfully uploaded, the Contents column displays a (+) icon next to the firmware image file name. Expand the name to view the Device Name, Current, and Available firmware version information.

Select the required firmware file and do one of the following:

   For firmware images that do not require a host system reboot, click Install. For example, iDRAC firmware file.

   For firmware images that require a host system reboot, click Install and Reboot or Install Next Reboot.

   To cancel the firmware update, click Cancel.

When you click Install, Install and Reboot, or Install Next Reboot, the message "Updating Job Queue" is displayed.

Click Job Queue to display the Job Queue page, where you can view and manage your pending firmware updates. You can also click OK to refresh the current page and view the status of the firmware update.

對於 iDRAC6,該影片的官方文件連結;
