
通過 CLI 對 Aerohive AP245X 進行基本設置

  • August 31, 2021

我最近購買了一個沒有 GUI 的二手 Aerohive AP。無論長按按鈕,我都會重置它。現在我想將它設置為一個普通的 WiFi AP,沒有任何花哨的 Hive 東西。只有一個具有最大頻寬和範圍的 SSID。

我找不到我的特定 CLI 手冊(AP245X rev. A)。我可以通過 SSH 連接到它。關於執行什麼命令的任何想法?


#disables some sort of management thing
no capwap client enable

#creates a password
security-object MyWifiNetwork

#sets the password and encryption method
security-object MyWifiNetwork security protocol-suite wpa2-aes-psk ascii-key superawesomepassword

#creates a network name
ssid MyWifiNetwork

#assigns the password to the network name
ssid MyWifiNetwork security-object MyWifiNetwork

#I forget what this does (these comments are an edit)
security-object MyWifiNetwork default-user-profile-attr 0

#sets the 2.4GHz radio to use the network name
interface wifi0 ssid MyWifiNetwork

#sets the 5GHz radio to use the network name
interface wifi1 ssid MyWifiNetwork

#the AP asks clients to use 5GHz if possible
radio profile MyWifiNetwork band-steering enable

#the AP asks clients to use 5GHz if fewer than 80% of clients are on 5GHz
radio profile MyWifiNetwork band-steering balance-band threshold 80

#by default the Aerohives like to have a backhaul on 5GHz band. This disables that
interface wifi1 mode access

#this feels pretty self-explanatory
save config

#print to console the list of interfaces and what are assigned to do
show interface

Aerohives 都使用相同的預設配置單元 ID,因此如果您在同一個乙太網網路上設置多個配置單元,它們可能會找到彼此並合作,但我不確定。祝你好運!
