MariaDB Galera 集群,強制同步
我在一個多主 Galera 集群中有三台伺服器。我最近導入了一些舊數據庫,並註意到三個表都在創建,但數據沒有被複製。原來我沒有註意,這些舊數據庫都在使用 MyISAM 表。所以我知道將來我需要將它們轉換為 InnoDB,然後再將它們引入以使它們工作。
將現有表轉換為 InnoDB 不會同步現有數據。我的想法是用 轉儲表(現在它已被轉換)
,然後用mysql -u user -p db < db.sql
. 我看不出有什麼不可行的原因,但我想知道是否有更好的方法。
我找不到官方的方法來處理這個問題,所以我想到了單獨轉儲表並重新導入它們的想法。不想手動做,我鞭打了一個 PHP 腳本來為我做這件事。我把它貼在這裡,以防其他人覺得這很有用。
/* * InnoDB Convert * Converts existing non-InnoDB tables to InnoDB, then re-imports the * data so that it's replicated across the cluster. */ // Configuration $_config['db'] = array( 'type' => 'mysql', 'host' => 'localhost', 'username' => 'user', 'password' => 'password' ); // Establish database connection try { $pdo = new PDO( $_config['db']['type'] . ':host=' . $_config['db']['host'], $_config['db']['username'], $_config['db']['password'] ); } catch ( PDOException $e ) { echo 'Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage(); } // Get list of databases $db_query = <<<SQL SHOW DATABASES SQL; $db_result = $pdo->prepare( $db_query ); $db_result->execute(); while ( $db_row = $db_result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC )) { // Look through databases, but ignores the ones that come with a // MySQL install and shouldn't be part of the cluster if ( !in_array( $db_row['Database'], array( 'information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema', 'testdb' ))) { $pdo->exec( "USE {$db_row['Database']}" ); $table_query = <<<SQL SHOW TABLES SQL; $table_result = $pdo->prepare( $table_query ); $table_result->execute(); while ( $table_row = $table_result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC )) { // Loop through all tables $table = $table_row["Tables_in_{$db_row['Database']}"]; $engine_query = <<<SQL SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Name = :table SQL; $engine_result = $pdo->prepare( $engine_query ); $engine_result->execute( array( ':table' => $table )); $engine_row = $engine_result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); if ( $engine_row['Engine'] != 'InnoDB' ) { // Engine is not equal to InnoDB, let's convert it echo "Converting '$table' on '{$db_row['Database']}' from '{$engine_row['Engine']}' to InnoDB:\n"; echo "Modifying engine..."; $change_query = <<<SQL ALTER TABLE $table ENGINE=InnoDB SQL; $change_result = $pdo->prepare( $change_query ); $change_result->execute(); echo "done!\n"; echo " Exporting table..."; exec( "mysqldump -h {$_config['db']['host']} -u {$_config['db']['username']} -p{$_config['db']['password']} {$db_row['Database']} $table > /tmp/dump-file.sql" ); echo "done!\n"; echo " Re-importing table..."; exec( "mysql -h {$_config['db']['host']} -u {$_config['db']['username']} -p{$_config['db']['password']} {$db_row['Database']} < /tmp/dump-file.sql" ); echo "done!\n"; unlink( '/tmp/dump-file.sql' ); echo "done!\n"; } } } }