崇光與 Zentyal ADDC
我剛剛將 Zentyal 實例從 4.1 升級到 5.0.1。升級後崇光不再讓使用者登錄。使用者可以訪問其他 Zentyal 服務,如共享和域登錄,但 SOGo 拒絕相同的憑據。
軟體包,然後再次安裝它們,但這會導致更糟糕的情況(沒有 Mysql 連接並且整個/etc/sogo/sogo.conf
註釋掉了)。在 /var/log/sogo/sogo.log 文件中,我得到:
Jan 31 09:40:41 sogod [13184]: <0x0x561c14f67ce0[LDAPSource]> <NSException: 0x561c155e19b0> NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind failed: Invalid credentials (0x31) INFO:{"error_code" = 49; login = "cn=direzione di agape,cn=users,dc=ufficio,dc=lan"; } Jan 31 09:40:41 sogod [13184]: SOGoRootPage Login from '' for user 'direzione' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: -1 expire: -1 bound: 0 Jan 31 09:40:41 sogod [13184]: "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 403 34/64 0.028 - - 0
這是我認為是我目前 sogo.conf 的相關部分(在舊版本中工作的那個):
/* LDAP authentication */ SOGoUserSources = ( { type = ldap; id = sambaLogin; displayName = "SambaLogin"; canAuthenticate = YES; CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = cn; UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName; hostname = "ldap://"; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS"; bindFields = (sAMAccountName, mail); filter = "(mail='*')"; MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox); }, { type = ldap; id = sambaShared; displayName = "Shared Addressbook"; canAuthenticate = NO; isAddressBook = YES; CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = mail; UIDFieldName = mail; hostname = "ldap://"; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindPassword = "mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS"; filter = "((NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (mail=\'*\') AND (NOT objectClass=contact))"; MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox); }, { type = ldap; id = sambaContacts; displayName = "Shared Contacts"; canAuthenticate = NO; isAddressBook = YES; CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = mail; UIDFieldName = mail; hostname = "ldap://"; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindPassword = "mWaByi09SfgLAWZQ49GS"; filter = "((((objectClass=person) AND (objectClass=contact) AND ((uidNumber>=2000) OR (mail=\'*\'))) AND (NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE') AND (NOT uid=Guest)) OR (((objectClass=group) AND (gidNumber>=2000)) AND (NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE')))"; mapping = { displayname = ("cn"); }; MailFieldNames = (mail, otherMailbox); } ); /* Web Interface */ SOGoPageTitle = "Zentyal Webmail"; SOGoVacationEnabled = NO; SOGoForwardEnabled = YES; SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES;
的,因為 SOGo 在版本 3.0.2 和版本 3.2.4 之間的某個時間引入了更改。這可能是罪魁禍首,因為 Zentyal 4.1 捆綁了 SOGo 2.3.2,而 Zentyal 5 捆綁了 SOGo 3.2.10。但是,即使假設這是問題所在,我也不明白我應該如何編輯我的sogo.conf
…編輯 2:我發現這個命令可以提供一些啟示,只要我能夠理解它的輸出……我想它通過閱讀配置文件顯示了 SOGo 理解的內容,但我不知道大多數的含義設置:
root@barth:~# sogo-tool dump-defaults all { DAVParserDebugProp = NO; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ADMIN_APPS" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ADMIN_TOOLS" = "/usr/local/sbin"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_APPS" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_DOC" = "/usr/local/share/GNUstep/Documentation"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_DOC_INFO" = "/usr/local/share/info"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_DOC_MAN" = "/usr/local/share/man"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_HEADERS" = "/usr/local/include/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_LIBRARIES" = "/usr/local/lib"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_LIBRARY" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_ROOT" = "/usr/Local"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_TOOLS" = "/usr/local/bin"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_USERS_DIR" = "/home"; "GNUSTEP_LOCAL_WEB_APPS" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/WebApplications"; "GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES" = "/usr/share/GNUstep/Makefiles"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_ADMIN_APPS" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_ADMIN_TOOLS" = "/usr/local/sbin"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_APPS" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_DOC" = "/usr/local/share/GNUstep/Documentation"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_DOC_INFO" = "/usr/local/share/info"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_DOC_MAN" = "/usr/local/share/man"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_HEADERS" = "/usr/local/include/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_LIBRARIES" = "/usr/local/lib"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_LIBRARY" = "/usr/local/lib/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_ROOT" = "/usr/Network"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_TOOLS" = "/usr/local/bin"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_USERS_DIR" = "/home"; "GNUSTEP_NETWORK_WEB_APPS" = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/WebApplications"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ADMIN_APPS" = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ADMIN_TOOLS" = "/usr/sbin"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_APPS" = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_DOC" = "/usr/share/GNUstep/Documentation"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_DOC_INFO" = "/usr/share/info"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_DOC_MAN" = "/usr/share/man"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_HEADERS" = "/usr/include/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES" = "/usr/lib"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARY" = "/usr/lib/GNUstep"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_ROOT" = "/usr/System"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_TOOLS" = "/usr/bin"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_USERS_DIR" = "/home"; "GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_WEB_APPS" = "/usr/lib/GNUstep/WebApplications"; "GNUSTEP_USER_CONFIG_FILE" = ".GNUstep.conf"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DEFAULTS_DIR" = "GNUstep/Defaults"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR" = GNUstep; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_ADMIN_APPS" = "GNUstep/Applications/Admin"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_ADMIN_TOOLS" = "GNUstep/Tools/Admin"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_APPS" = "GNUstep/Applications"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_DOC" = "GNUstep/Library/Documentation"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_DOC_INFO" = "GNUstep/Library/Documentation/info"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_DOC_MAN" = "GNUstep/Library/Documentation/man"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_HEADERS" = "GNUstep/Library/Headers"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_LIBRARIES" = "GNUstep/Library/Libraries"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_LIBRARY" = "GNUstep/Library"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_TOOLS" = "GNUstep/Tools"; "GNUSTEP_USER_DIR_WEB_APPS" = "GNUstep/WebApplications"; GSLocale = "it_CH.UTF-8"; ImapDebugEnabled = YES; LDAPDebugEnabled = YES; MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES; NGImap4ConnectionGroupIdPrefix = "$"; NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator = "/"; NGImap4DisableIMAP4Pooling = YES; NGLogDefaultAppenderClass = NGLogStderrAppender; NGLogDefaultLogEventFormatterClass = NGLogEventDetailedFormatter; NGLogDefaultLogLevel = INFO; "NGObjWeb_doc_" = "NSUserDefaults for NGObjWeb"; NGUseUTF8AsURLEncoding = YES; NSAMPMDesignation = ( "", "" ); NSCurrencySymbol = "Fr."; NSDateFormatString = "%A %d %B %Y"; NSDateTimeOrdering = DMYH; NSDecimalDigits = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ); NSDecimalSeparator = "."; NSEarlierTimeDesignations = ( prima, passato, fa ); NSFormalName = Italiano; NSHourNameDesignations = ( ( 0, mezzanotte ), ( 12, mezzogiorno ), ( 10, mattina ), ( 14, pomeriggio ), ( 19, sera ) ); NSInternationalCurrencyString = "'"; NSLanguageCode = ITA; NSLanguageName = SwitzerlandItalian; NSLanguages = ( SwitzerlandItalian, Italian, English ); NSLaterTimeDesignations = ( dopo, prossimo ); NSMonthNameArray = ( gennaio, febbraio, marzo, aprile, maggio, giugno, luglio, agosto, settembre, ottobre, novembre, dicembre ); NSNegativeCurrencyFormatString = "EUR-9,999.00"; NSNextDayDesignations = ( domani ); NSNextNextDayDesignations = ( "il giorno seguente" ); NSParentContext = Default; NSPositiveCurrencyFormatString = "EUR9,999.00"; NSPriorDayDesignations = ( ieri ); NSShortDateFormatString = "%d. %m. %y"; NSShortMonthNameArray = ( gen, feb, mar, apr, mag, giu, lug, ago, set, ott, nov, dic ); NSShortTimeDateFormatString = "%d %b %Y %H:%M"; NSShortWeekDayNameArray = ( dom, lun, mar, mer, gio, ven, sab ); NSThisDayDesignations = ( oggi ); NSThousandsSeparator = "'"; NSTimeDateFormatString = "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z"; NSTimeFormatString = "%T"; NSWeekDayNameArray = ( domenica, "luned\U00EC", "marted\U00EC", "mercoled\U00EC", "gioved\U00EC", "venerd\U00EC", sabato ); NSYearMonthWeekDesignations = ( anno, mese, settimana ); OCSFolderInfoURL = "mysql://sogo:AGJBm5JQ@"; OCSSessionsFolderURL = "mysql://sogo:AGJBm5JQ@"; PGDebugEnabled = YES; SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO; SOGoAddressBookDAVAccessEnabled = YES; SOGoAlternateAvatar = none; SOGoAnimationMode = normal; SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = YES; SOGoCacheCleanupInterval = "300.0"; SOGoCalendarCategories = ( Customer, Calls, Favorites, Meeting, Ideas, Miscellaneous, Birthday, Anniversary, Vacation, Travel, Projects, Suppliers, Gifts, Clients, Issues, Business, Holidays, Personal, Status, Competition, "Follow up", "Public Holiday" ); SOGoCalendarCategoriesColors = { Anniversary = "#CCCCCC"; Birthday = "#CCCCCC"; Business = "#CCCCCC"; Calls = "#FFCC33"; Clients = "#CCCCCC"; Competition = "#CCCCCC"; Customer = "#CCCCCC"; Favorites = "#CCCCCC"; "Follow up" = "#CCCCCC"; Gifts = "#CCCCCC"; Holidays = "#CCCCCC"; Ideas = "#CCCCCC"; Issues = "#CCCCCC"; Meeting = "#CCCCCC"; Miscellaneous = "#CCCCCC"; Personal = "#CCCCCC"; Projects = "#CCCCCC"; "Public Holiday" = "#CCCCCC"; Status = "#CCCCCC"; Suppliers = "#CCCCCC"; Travel = "#CCCCCC"; Vacation = "#CCCCCC"; }; SOGoCalendarDAVAccessEnabled = YES; SOGoCalendarDefaultReminder = NONE; SOGoCalendarEventsDefaultClassification = PUBLIC; SOGoCalendarShouldDisplayWeekend = YES; SOGoCalendarTasksDefaultClassification = PUBLIC; SOGoDayEndTime = 18; SOGoDayStartTime = 8; SOGoDebugRequests = YES; SOGoDefaultCalendar = selected; SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts; SOGoEnableDomainBasedUID = NO; SOGoEncryptionKey = MySOGoEncryptionKey; SOGoExternalAvatarsEnabled = YES; SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 0; SOGoFirstWeekOfYear = January1; SOGoForceExternalLoginWithEmail = YES; SOGoForwardEnabled = YES; SOGoFreeBusyDefaultInterval = ( 7, 7 ); SOGoGravatarEnabled = NO; SOGoIMAPServer = ""; SOGoJunkFolderName = Junk; SOGoLDAPContactInfoAttribute = description; SOGoLDAPQueryLimit = 0; SOGoLDAPQueryTimeout = 0; SOGoLanguage = English; SOGoLoginModule = Mail; SOGoLongDateFormat = "%A, %B %d, %Y"; SOGoMailAutoSave = 5; SOGoMailComposeFontSize = 0; SOGoMailComposeMessageType = html; SOGoMailCustomFromEnabled = YES; SOGoMailDisplayRemoteInlineImages = never; SOGoMailDomain = "ufficio.lan"; SOGoMailLabelsColors = { "$label1" = ( Important, "#FF0000" ); "$label2" = ( Work, "#FF9900" ); "$label3" = ( Personal, "#009900" ); "$label4" = ( "To Do", "#3333FF" ); "$label5" = ( Later, "#993399" ); }; SOGoMailListViewColumnsOrder = ( Thread, Flagged, Attachment, Subject, From, Unread, Date, Priority, Size ); SOGoMailMessageForwarding = inline; SOGoMailReplyPlacement = below; SOGoMailSignaturePlacement = below; SOGoMailSpoolPath = "/var/spool/sogo"; SOGoMailingMechanism = smtp; SOGoMemcachedHost = localhost; SOGoPageTitle = "Zentyal Webmail"; SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled = YES; SOGoProfileURL = "mysql://sogo:AGJBm5JQ@"; SOGoRefreshViewCheck = manually; SOGoRefreshViewIntervals = ( 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60 ); SOGoSMTPServer = ""; SOGoSearchMinimumWordLength = 2; SOGoSelectedAddressBook = collected; SOGoSentFolderName = Sent; SOGoShortDateFormat = "%d-%b-%y"; SOGoSieveFolderEncoding = "UTF-7"; SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES; SOGoSieveServer = "sieve://"; SOGoSubscriptionFolderFormat = "%{FolderName} (%{UserName} <%{Email}>)"; SOGoSupportedLanguages = ( Arabic, Basque, BrazilianPortuguese, Catalan, ChineseChina, ChineseTaiwan, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian, NorwegianBokmal, NorwegianNynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, SpanishArgentina, SpanishSpain, Swedish, TurkishTurkey, Ukrainian, Welsh ); SOGoTimeFormat = "%H:%M"; SOGoTimeZone = "Europe/Rome"; SOGoTrashFolderName = Trash; SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES; SOGoUserSources = ( { CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = cn; MailFieldNames = ( mail, otherMailbox ); UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindFields = ( sAMAccountName, mail ); bindPassword = mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS; canAuthenticate = YES; displayName = SambaLogin; filter = "(mail='*')"; hostname = "ldap://"; id = sambaLogin; type = ldap; }, { CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = mail; MailFieldNames = ( mail, otherMailbox ); UIDFieldName = mail; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindPassword = mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS; canAuthenticate = NO; displayName = "Shared Addressbook"; filter = "((NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (mail='*') AND (NOT objectClass=contact))"; hostname = "ldap://"; id = sambaShared; isAddressBook = YES; type = ldap; }, { CNFieldName = cn; IDFieldName = mail; MailFieldNames = ( mail, otherMailbox ); UIDFieldName = mail; baseDN = "DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindDN = "CN=zentyal-mail-barth,CN=Users,DC=ufficio,DC=lan"; bindPassword = mWaByi97SfgLAWZQ49GS; canAuthenticate = NO; displayName = "Shared Contacts"; filter = "((((objectClass=person) AND (objectClass=contact) AND ((uidNumber>=2000) OR (mail='*'))) AND (NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE') AND (NOT uid=Guest)) OR (((objectClass=group) AND (gidNumber>=2000)) AND (NOT isCriticalSystemObject='TRUE') AND (NOT showInAdvancedViewOnly='TRUE')))"; hostname = "ldap://"; id = sambaContacts; isAddressBook = YES; mapping = { displayname = ( cn ); }; type = ldap; } ); SOGoVacationEnabled = NO; SOGoWebAccessEnabled = YES; SOGoXSRFValidationEnabled = NO; SOGoZipPath = "/usr/bin/zip"; SoClassRegistryDebugEnabled = NO; SoDebugBaseURL = YES; SoDebugKeyLookup = NO; SoDebugProductLoading = NO; SoDebugProductRegistry = NO; SoDebugRequestClassification = NO; SoDebugTraversal = NO; SoDefaultWebDAVPropertyNames = ( "{DAV:}creationdate", "{DAV:}getcontentlength", "{DAV:}getlastmodified", "{DAV:}getetag", "{DAV:}resourcetype", "{DAV:}getcontenttype", "{DAV:}displayname", "{DAV:}href", "{http://apache.org/dav/props/}executable" ); SoLogSecurityDeclarations = NO; SoOFSDebugAuthLookup = NO; SoOFSDebugFactory = NO; SoOFSDebugNegotiate = NO; SoOFSDebugPlistObject = NO; SoOFSDebugRestore = NO; SoOFSResourceManagerDebugEnabled = NO; SoOFSWebMethodDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjCClassDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectDAVDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectDataSourceDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectMethodDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectRequestHandlerDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectSOAPDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO; SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcherDebugEnabled = NO; SoPageInvocationDebugEnabled = NO; SoPreferredNamespacePrefixes = { "DAV:" = D; "http://apache.org/dav/props/" = ap; "http://schemas.microsoft.com/exchange/" = X; "http://schemas.microsoft.com/hotmail/" = hm; "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/" = pt; "http://webdav.org/cadaver/custom-properties/" = cdv; "http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-calsch-many-xcal-01.txt" = xcal; "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul" = xul; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/binding" = var; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/constant" = const; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/javascript" = js; "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" = RDF; "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" = xsl; "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" = html; "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" = xlink; "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40" = html4; "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/wml_1.2.xml" = wml; "urn:schemas:calendar:" = C; "urn:schemas:contacts:" = A; }; SoProductResourceManagerDebugEnabled = NO; SoRedirectToDefaultMethods = YES; SoRendererDebugEnabled = NO; SoRequestDispatcherRules = ( "context.soRequestType='WebDAV' => renderer = 'SoWebDAVRenderer' ; high", "context.soRequestType='XML-RPC' => renderer = 'SoXmlRpcRenderer' ; high", "context.soRequestType='SOAP' => renderer = 'SoSOAPRenderer' ; high", "*true* => renderer = 'SoDefaultRenderer' ; fallback", "request.isSoSOAPRequest=YES => dispatcher = 'SoObjectSOAPDispatcher'", "request.isSoWebDAVRequest=YES => dispatcher = 'SoObjectWebDAVDispatcher'", "request.isSoXmlRpcRequest=YES => dispatcher = 'SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher'", "*true* => dispatcher = 'SoObjectMethodDispatcher'; fallback", "request.isSoSOAPRequest=YES => requestType = 'SOAP'", "request.isSoWebDAVRequest=YES => requestType = 'WebDAV'", "request.isSoXmlRpcRequest=YES => requestType = 'XML-RPC'", "*true* => requestType = 'METHOD'; fallback", "request.isSoWebDAVRequest=YES => useAcquisition = NO", "headers.translate='f' => useAcquisition = NO; high", "method='GET' => useAcquisition = YES; low", "method='HEAD' => useAcquisition = YES; low", "method='POST' => useAcquisition = YES; low", "*true* => useAcquisition = NO; fallback" ); SoSecurityManagerDebugEnabled = NO; SoWebDAVDefaultAllowMethods = ( GET, HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, MKCOL, MKCALENDAR, DELETE, PUT, LOCK, UNLOCK, COPY, MOVE, REPORT ); SoWebDAVDetectionMethods = ( OPTIONS, MKCOL, MKCALENDAR, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, DELETE, PUT, LOCK, UNLOCK, COPY, MOVE, SEARCH, NOTIFY, POLL, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, BCOPY, BDELETE, BMOVE, BPROPFIND, BPROPPATCH ); SoWebDAVDisableCrossHostMoveCheck = NO; SoWebDAVFormatOutput = NO; SxVMemLimit = 384; WOAdaptor = WOHttpAdaptor; WOAdaptorLogPath = ""; WOAdditionalAdaptors = ( ); WOApplicationBaseURL = "/WebObjects"; WOApplicationSuffix = ".woa"; WOAutoOpenInBrowser = NO; WOCGIAdaptorURL = "http://localhost/cgi-bin/WebObjects"; WOCachingEnabled = YES; WOComponentExtensions = ( wo ); WOComponentLoadWOOFiles = NO; WOComponentRequestHandlerKey = wo; WOCompoundElementPool = NO; WOContextClass = WOContext; WOCoreOnApplicationException = NO; WOCoreOnAwakeComponentInCtxDealloc = NO; WOCoreOnHTTPAdaptorException = NO; WOCoreOnRecursiveSubcomponents = NO; WOCoreOnXmlRpcFault = NO; WODebugActions = NO; WODebugComponentAwake = NO; WODebugComponentDefinition = NO; WODebugComponentLookup = NO; WODebugCursor = NO; WODebugHttpTransaction = NO; WODebugKeyPathAssociation = NO; WODebugResourceLookup = NO; WODebugStaticLinkProcessing = NO; WODebugTakeValues = NO; WODebugZipResponse = NO; WODebuggingEnabled = NO; WODefaultLanguages = ( ); WODefaultResourceManager = WOResourceManager; WODefaultSessionTimeOut = 3600; WODescriptiveElementIDs = NO; WODirectActionRequestHandlerKey = x; WODontZipResponse = YES; WOEnableComponentsWithoutClasses = NO; WOExpirationTimeInterval = 120; WOFormAlwaysPassDown = YES; WOFrameworksBaseURL = "/WebObjects/Frameworks"; WOGenerateMissingResourceLinks = NO; WOHTTPAdaptorCapitalizeHeaders = YES; WOHttpAdaptorForkCount = 0; WOHttpAdaptorReceiveTimeout = 120; WOHttpAdaptorSendTimeout = 120; "WOHttpAdaptor_LogStream" = NO; WOHttpAllowHost = ( ); WOHttpTransactionLoggerConfig = { Appenders = ( { Class = NGLogStdoutAppender; Formatter = { Class = NGLogEventDetailedFormatter; }; } ); }; WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser = NO; WOIncludeCommentsInResponse = YES; WOIsRedirectionEnabled = NO; WOKeyPathAssociationsCacheSize = 200; WOListenQueueSize = 5; WOLogComponents = NO; WOLogDefaultsOnStartup = NO; WOLogFile = "/var/log/sogo/sogo.log"; WOLogPageCache = NO; WOLogScriptDealloc = NO; WOLogScriptInit = NO; WOLogScriptKVC = NO; WOLogXmlRpcSelectorMapping = NO; WOMessageUseUTF8 = YES; WONoProxySuffixes = ( ); WONoSelectionString = WONoSelectionString; WOOutputValidationEnabled = NO; WOPageCacheSize = 30; WOPageRefreshOnBacktrack = YES; WOPageRequestHandlerDebugEnabled = NO; WOParsersUseUTF8 = YES; WOPermanentPageCacheSize = 30; WOPidFile = "/var/run/sogo/sogo.pid"; WOPort = ""; WOProfileApplication = NO; WOProfileComponents = NO; WOProfileDirectActionRequestHandler = NO; WOProfileElements = NO; WOProfileHttpAdaptor = NO; WOProfileLoading = NO; WOProfileResponse = NO; WOProjectSearchPath = ( ); WORedirectURISafetySuffix = "/view/view/view/view"; WOResourceRequestHandlerKey = y; WOResourceURLAssociationDebugEnabled = NO; WORunMultithreaded = NO; WOSMTPHost = mail; WOSendMail = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; WOSessionStore = WOServerSessionStore; WOSimpleHTTPParserDebugEnabled = NO; WOSimpleHTTPParserFileIOBoundary = 16384; WOSimpleHTTPParserHeavyDebugEnabled = NO; WOSimpleHTTPParserMaxUploadSizeInKB = 262144; WOStatsStylesheetName = "WOStats.xsl"; WOSubmitButtonEnableValueSync = NO; WOUseGlobalCookiePath = YES; WOUseRelativeURLs = YES; WOValueAssociationsCacheSize = 200; WOWatchDogRequestTimeout = 10; WOWorkerThreadCount = 0; WOWorkersCount = 1; WOxAssociationClassMapping = { "OGo:bind" = WOKeyPathAssociation; "OGo:bool" = WOBoolAssociation; "OGo:label" = WOLabelAssociation; "OGo:path" = SoLookupAssociation; "OGo:script" = WOScriptAssociation; "OGo:url" = WOResourceURLAssociation; "OGo:value" = WOValueAssociation; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/binding" = WOKeyPathAssociation; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/constant" = WOValueAssociation; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/javascript" = WOScriptAssociation; "http://www.skyrix.com/od/so-lookup" = SoLookupAssociation; }; WOxBuilderClasses = ( WOxTalElemBuilder, WOxControlElemBuilder, WOxMiscElemBuilder, WOxHTMLElemBuilder, WOxXULElemBuilder, WExCalElemBuilder, WExDnDElemBuilder, WExExtElemBuilder, WOxExtElemBuilder, WOxComponentElemBuilder ); WOxComponentElemBuilderDebugEnabled = NO; "WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationCreation" = NO; "WOxElemBuilder_LogAssociationMapping" = NO; WOxFileExtensions = ( wox, xtmpl, xhtml ); WOxLogBuilderQueue = NO; }
編輯 3:我嘗試清除 SOGo 並再次安裝它,然後在 Zentyal 控制面板中再次啟動它。這次 Zentyal 正確配置了 SOGo MySQL 連接,這樣至少 SOGo 啟動了,但是登錄問題依然存在。
編輯 4:我從上面的日誌文件中又添加了一行,也許有幫助
通過設置啟動 samba 調試登錄
log level = 1 auth:5 winbind:5
2. 讓 Samba 了解新配置
# smbcontrol all reload-config
3. 監視/var/log/samba/samba.log
# tail -f /var/log/samba/samba.log
4. 嘗試使用 SOGo 登錄,並查看 samba 日誌文件
[2018/01/31 09:57:52.412134, 2] ../source4/auth/sam.c:226(authsam_account_ok) sam_account_ok: Account for user 'direzione' password expired!.
5. 重置密碼,或禁用到期:
# samba-tool user setexpiry direzione --noexpiry
6. (可選)擺脫每個人的密碼過期和其他花哨的密碼功能:
# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --complexity=off
# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --history-length=0
# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --min-pwd-age=0
# samba-tool domain passwordsettings set --max-pwd-age=0