

  • January 2, 2019

t標頭列出了所有 CPU/核心,並在我使用和及時返回時不斷調整大小T。我閱讀了幫助並嘗試搜尋。


它隱藏在手冊頁的第 404 行。使用l並定義每個標題行。簡而言之,如果您只想查看 CPU 的一個標題行,您可以輸入l(小寫L)然後1(第一個)並按 Enter 鍵查看其他匯總統計資訊。這是手冊頁輸出。

l    Limit the number of system level lines for the counters per-cpu, the active disks and
           the  network  interfaces.   By default lines are shown of all CPUs, disks and network
           interfaces which have been active during the last interval.  Limiting these lines can
           be  useful  on systems with huge number CPUs, disks or interfaces in order to be able
           to run atop on a screen/window with e.g. only 24 lines.
